A/N: Ship votes for second Naruto banished is over, ship has been chosen!

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The winning ship for second Naruto banished is: Shikanaru.

We had gotten ten votes for that ship so meaning there is no more votings for that book. I'll go through the given title ideas by my kits who gave some comments and will pick one with given username of who's I had chose. I know everyone is waiting for updates and I'm sorry for making you wait (Just don't kill me please) I am not completely sure when I'll get the next update out but hopefully it'll be soon.

That is all for now, be prepared when you see the first chapter of banished Naruto 2, I'll put it next to Pay-Back when it's ready and y'all can read that however, I may try and finish Pay-Back first before putting out the first chapter but I haven't decided yet.

Stay tuned!


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