chapter one: let's (not) do the time warp

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The alarm clock screeched as my eyes gazed over the room I woke up in. I spotted tacky yellow wallpaper exposing the slightest bit of wood panelling in the corners, with
moving boxes stacked up against it. An open suitcase rested next to the bed, bulging with unfamiliar clothes and books that look like they could be bought from an op shop. I felt the stiff cotton of my bedsheets grazing my fingertips and the musty smell of oldness engulf me.

This is not where I'm from. I thought, my heart rate rising by the second. This is not where I live.

Silencing the alarm clock I sat up. My feet gently braced the floor, also wooden, before I tiptoed around the room. I analysed each corner, trying to place just where exactly I was. Looking out the window, I saw pine trees dotting a gravelly road, framing houses sporting a design that I've never seen back home. It was then I noticed then the cars outside were parked on the wrong side of the road, and all seemed to be made before 1990.

Am I kidnapped? Am I dreaming?

"You're awake." An unfamiliar voice rang through my ears. I quickly turned my head towards the door frame where a woman leant. She had an accent like mine, her brown hair messy and tousled tied back into a ponytail and worry lines began to creep into her skin, although I figured she had to be younger than forty.

My muscles clench, and I instinctively lean up against the window sill in defense. "Who the fuck are you?"

"Hey just calm down Missy, I have a lot to explain so you better want to sit down for this." She walked into my room, stepping over the suitcase and sat on the bed. She pat the spot next to her.

My heartbeat quickened and I clenched my fists. "How do you know my name?"

"Just sit down," she repeats and it's then I can hear the exhaustion in her voice. "I'm Tiffany but just call me Tiff. You can trust me, I promise. "

Hesitantly, I sat back down on the bed. I figured if she was tired she wouldn't have enough energy to try anything funny, however I still left a gap between us. "Where am I?"

"This is going to be really hard to wrap your head around," Tiffany said. "You're in Aberdeen."

I stared at her, my mind going blank. Where the fuck was that?

"Washington. Like the American state and not the city. And it may also be 1982." She tacked on the last sentence in a hurry, wincing.

"1982????" I shrieked. "No fucking way. You're fucking with me aren't you."

Tiff remained calm, slowly shaking her head, "I'm afraid so honey. It's a lot to take in."

"I uh, fuck this has to be a dream," I reasoned, hands starting to shake and heart beating faster. My voice raised, all crackly and throaty, "Please tell me this is a dream."

Tiffany stood and put her hands up, "Hey hey hey Missy calm down. You'll return home soon I promise." Despite the simultaneous anger and fear I felt, I let my guard down. This stranger was very good at soothing me with her gentle tone and calm demeanour and I eventually took a few breaths before lying back down on the bed.

"I'll get you a cup of water okay? Stay here, you're totally safe I promise." Tiffany left the room leaving the door swung open behind her. I stared at the ceiling with a million questions swimming through my mind.

1982? Time travel exists? Why did I end up in the US? Who is this lady and is she a figment of my imagination?

A male's voice broke my train of thought. "Holy shit - Missy?"

missy's lips- krist novoselic x ocWhere stories live. Discover now