chapter five- pizza time!

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"Pizza's here!" Marla yelled out in a sing-song voice, running around the downstairs floor in excitement. "Missy, Adam, pizza's heeeeeere."

"Is she always this loud?" Tabitha asked as we both trudged downstairs.

"Tab she's four. If she's not this loud that's a problem. Well, probably anyway."

It had taken half an hour for the pizzas to arrive and I wasn't sure if my stomach was growling or churning because of this newest revelation. I didn't even care about Nirvana but even when I met Kurt I was freaking out. I could tell Tiffany was nervous too. You'd think time travelling made her accustomed to meeting historical figures (although I'm not sure how historical Nirvana would be) but she still tapped her fingers on her thigh with one hand and held a death grip on Marla's hand with the other.

With everyone sat at the table, Tiffany opened up the boxes giving us all a brief rundown of the menu. "Alrighty I have two cheese pizzas, one supreme and one meatlovers. I wouldn't personally take a slice of the supreme because someone insisted that it'd taste better with anchovies."

"It does though!" Adam defended. Krist just shook his head disapprovingly. I wasn't sure what to gather from him just yet. He was funny and carefree, like Adam, but also loud, annoying and obnoxious, like Adam.

"Keep telling yourself that," Tiffany said, her voice muffled by the mouthful of garlic bread she'd taken. "Missy, I've almost finished altering your dress for that Homecoming thing you're going to."

Tiffany's job as a seamstress did have its perks. I admired that she wasn't just freeloading off the money given to us by her actual boss and actively tried to make the best out of this situation. When she offered to make my dress less well, 80s, I declined but she'd snatched it from my arms. "I studied fashion in uni, Missy, I gotta use it."

"Oh!" Tabitha takes a drink of water before turning to me. "I forgot to ask you before Miss, who are you going with?" she asks keenly before taking a bite of her supreme pizza.

Oh shit. "I mean, you might not know him but..."

"She asked a random cunt she met at the park." Adam interrupted, a smirk plastered on his face.

"Hey no fucking swearing in front of Marla!" Tiffany scolded, her finger pointed to him.

"You just swore then though!" Adam accused, not taking her seriously. Our guests were speechless, Tabitha's mouth opened in shock while Krist was trying to hold back his laughter.

Tiffany eyed him down for a second and then shifted her focus to Marla who seemed confused about what was going on, "Marla if you say those words you will ummm... explode and die. Understood?"

She nodded.

Removing her stern tone, Tiffany's voice slid back to her natural calmness. "Anyway, I assure all of you Missy's date is real, and also not a 40 year old man. I've spoken to him on the phone and he is a very nice boy. Very shy though."

Oh yes, the phone call. After my freak out meeting Kurt, Tiffany had me calm down and then called the Cobain residence to which her and Kurt's mother Wendy talked for at least an hour. Apparently, our pretend father had been a friend of hers in high school and she wanted to know what Lonnie McCluskey had been up to in the years before his death. Very little was discussed about the actual Homecoming.

"Why did you ask some person you didn't know?" Tabitha asked.

I shrugged, "Tab I barely know anyone except for you and my uh family."

"Hey you know me!" Krist piped up. With the wide grin on his face, it was clear he found a lot of amusement in this. At this point I still refused to believe he would end up in a cool and edgy band like Nirvana, the dude was a massive dork.

Annoyed, I stared him down, unamused, "I literally met you half an hour ago!"

"Not too late to change your mind," the over exaggerated manner Krist said this in gave me the impression he was joking, his wink at the end really gave it away. Which I was happy about; if taking no one to this homecoming was social suicide, taking Krist would be like social... murder? I don't fucking know at this point.

The rest of the night was filled with laughter. Adam pissed off Tiffany with stupid questions which led to a lot of banter, while Tabitha and I did our best to not swear in front of Marla who was trying to see if we would actually explode and I had to admit, Krist's stories about his Taco Bell shenanigans made me chuckle as well.

After our guests had left our house, I decided to play a Duran Duran record in my room while checking out the alterations Tiffany had made for my dress. As much as I loved 80s music, the fashion could be left in a pit to die a slow and agonising death. But now it seemed like I was doomed to wear the puffy sleeves, bright colours and big hair I hated with all of my heart. The dress itself was the least tacky one I could find, just a simple cut that wasn't overly flamboyant. In the 21st century, I would never wear it in a thousand years but I had to make do with what I had. At least the baby blue colour looked flattering. Staring at the dress with its satin finish and specks of glitter had me zoning out for a second. I was in the year 1982, in a different country, with a different family going to a high school dance with Kurt motherfucking Cobain. How the absolute fuck did any of this happen? It seemed like my makeshift brother was pondering our situation too as he knocked on my bedroom door.

"What do you want?" I opened the door just enough so that I could see him through the crack.

He pushed the door open, knocking me back. As I found my balance he said, "We need a strategy."

"For what?" I asked, lying down on my bed.

He took a seat at my desk. "For Kurt, Missy," he replied, spinning on my chair. "You're going to Homecoming this Friday, I'm working this Friday with Krist."


"So take Kurt to Taco Bell after and introduce him to Krist and I."

I sat up, "Why?"

"Because Kurt and Krist are best friends. You didn't know that?" Adam asked, tossing an eraser of mine in the air.

I shook my head, "Adam, I listen to this." I pointed to my record player which was now playing Planet Earth. "If you couldn't tell, Nirvana aren't really my thing."

"Fair enough, but Miss, you don't understand what I'm getting at. If we have them meet earlier maybe Kurt's outlook on life or something is changed and we go home sooner. That's what you want yeah?"

"Shit," I whispered before addressing my 'twin'. "Adam, you're right. How can you be so stupid and so smart?"

He smiled, shrugging slightly, "I dunno Missy. You think it's a good idea then?"

I nodded with enthusiasm, "Fuck yeah mate. So just bring him over to Taco Bell then?"

"Yeah I'll take care of the rest. I think."

I jumped off of my bed and squeezed a hug out of him, "Thank you so much!" I exclaimed, pulling away from him. "I don't think I can stand 80s shit much longer."

"All good Miss," he beamed. "It's an easy plan just don't fuck it up."

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