// Bon, Appetite ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠° //

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Don't be surprised if I over all just 1, Abandoned this shit for good.

2, Come out with  three chapters for endings,  "Good", "Sad" or "Crack shit" ending that hopefully everyone will like.

When I said, "I don't have a storyline anymore for this shitty ass book", I meant that shit.

So now I guess just expect more weird ass chapters untill i decide to end this book?


February 7th, 2023


8 : 22 pm


// YOUR POV //

You and your fellow proxies walked down the snowy path that lead to the manner in silence, the previous fight between you, Toby and Tim was enough to even get Brian to shut up with his shitty jokes for the day.

You walked in the back of the group with Kate, Letting Brian and Tim lead the way. Usually, You walked in the front while taunting Tim or in the middle with Toby, still taunting Tim.

"So, uh, Why are we going back to the manner?" You spoke up, directly asking Brian since he was the only one of the group who would most likely answer you. "The boss wants to have dinner, Together as a whole manner." Brian spoke in his british voice, glancing back at you with a smirk.

"Hm, that can't be good." You muttered.

It most definitely was not good.


As soon as we walked through those large doors, Chao's was unleashed into your ears.

"Y/n! Your back!" Sally screeched, running up to you and pulled you into a large hug. "Mhm, I'm back." You spoke tiredly as you caught the gazes of Jeff and BEN who sat on the couch with E.J.

"You little shits! Get the hell out of my kitchen!" A familiar voice growled from the kitchen, Slenderdic. Now, you hadn't really been close with this demonic being since the start of your creepypasta days, and never close to him as a proxy. But hearing that voice, clicked something in your proxy mind.

You had feared him, hated him, laughed at him, but now actually seeing him for what, the first time in three or five months?

You let go of Sally and walked with your proxies in unison, like a group of Hornets rushing to their Queen, well, technically Slender doesn't have a gender so she slays ᕙ⁠(⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)⁠ᕗ

"Sir, Do you need help?" Masky asked as we entered the kitchen, "Daddy issues much." You whispered to Brian, making him have to slap his hand over his mouth to hide a laugh.

Slender 'glared' at you.

"Yes, Just, Finish up with the Turkey and I suppose we'll be fine." The slenderman huffed, wiping his hands off on a washcloth and began to glide over by you and the other proxies.

For a moment, he just looked down on you four.

"Hey, uh, Boss." You waved, preparing to get your ass out of any work. "Hello, Cp/N, Do you mind helping Masky? You can cut up the vegetables." The tall being pointed over at the kitchen counter where Carrots and Onions were layed out besides a cutting board and knife.

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