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"Warm? I put a pizza in the oven. Brought out my Willy Wonka DVD...if you're interested," my mother offered me another blanket. I laid on the air mattress, reading one of my old books my mom had packed up.

"Sure. We should watch it once the food's ready."

"Good deal. I need to call in some of my bills, I'll be in my room. Let me know when the oven dings."

"Yes ma'am."

Suddenly, I was almost asleep when I smelled smoke, and heard somebody knocking on the door like crazy.

I hopped off the bed in some old pajamas my mom had lended me, shuffling in my house slippers to the stove first, to assess how burnt the pizza was. Shawty was outta there, so I took it out and cut on the ceiling fan in the living room and cracked the back door open a little bit. Then I grabbed the bat besides the front door while my mom peeked out of her bedroom as I opened the door slowly.

For some weird ass reason, some houses ain't have peepholes, like what the fuck?

"Eneaj, thank God," Yenvy ran in and embraced me.

"What are y'all doin' here?" I asked as Pey awkwardly stood in the doorway. I didn't even want to hug Yenvy right now. Because she was friends with that trifling bitch and I was still a little pissed about the whole DND at the park situation.

"We were worried sick when nobody could find you," Pey finally said.

I pulled back, figuring I might as well let them in so the mosquitoes wouldn't come inside instead. I closed the front door behind them and my mom hesitantly came out. "Who are they? I know Yenvy of course...but who is everybody?"

"Peytyn, ma'am. Sorry," Pey blushed.

"Heyyy," Yenvy waved.

My mom nodded, her face neutral, "Don't burn my shit down...like Eneaj almost did," she shot me a look, "I'll go find another pizza." She shuffled off to the kitchen, leaving us near the front door.

"I lost my vehicle and my wallet and shit. My phone too," I threw my hands up. "Ion een know what to do at this point."

"The rest of the crew plus Val...damn that sounds weird sayin' that," Pey sighed, "they mayyy know where your phone is. Val tracked your location."

"Well that's good news, but my Charger and my wallet, man," I shook my head, "That shit's way more important than a phone."

"I know, but at least it's sumin," Yenvy smiled. "Bruh you scared the shit out of all of us. Lemme tell Val we found you-

"Wait," I grabbed Yenvy's cell out of her hand.

She gave me a weird look. "You don't want Val to know that we found you...?"

"Are you hidin' from her or some shit?"

"I don't wanna see her right now," I shook my head.

"I get y'all had an argument or something, but right now your having you back where you're sposed to be is more important."

"Hollup, hollup. Where I'm sposed to be? Am I cattle?" I laughed at Yenvy. "I need to stay here a few days. I'm runnin' my club through Mrs. Smith. I appreciate the worry, but I need time alone. Especially, if I wanna sort through everything that's missing."

"Look- Whatever," Pey said, "Jadyn called and told us that she was drugged? What about you? Do you remember that from last night, or anything that might hint at that?"

"Well," I looked to Yenvy, "I woke up at your friend's place and apparently we fucked."

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