How Pierce,Ein and Male Y/n met

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Ein and Pierce were walking together to school, they entered the school and just in time because the bell rang shortly after they arrived, when class finished and it was time to play, both of them were in the sandbox and throwing sand at each other

Ein: Pwierce! You gwot sand in my eyes!
Pierce: I'm sworry bro!
Ein: Heh! It's okay! It don't matter bro!

They continued to play but then they saw a group of people surrounding someone and they were interested on what was happening so they went over and they saw a red haired boy and a girl fighting but the boy didn't want to but the girl forced him, the teacher arrived

Mrs. ???: What is going on here!?
That bitch: He stawrted attawking me and I'm fighting back!
???: I-I didn't start this! I never wanted to fight, she forced me to!

The look on the teachers face told everyone that she believed the girl than the red haired one, some people were defending the girl but most of them were defending the boy, in the end of the school day, the red haired boy was sitting alone, he looked lonely, Ein and Pierce  felt bad, so, they walked towards the boy and sat next to him, the boy felt suspicious about the appearance of them

???: What do you want. . .
Ein: We just want to see if you want to hang out with us for a while until your mommy get's here!
Pierce: You look so lonely in school and outside! We wawnt to acwompany ywou!

The boy smiled

???: Sounds great! Where do?
Pierce: In our neighborhood, we have more friends, we could get along!
Ein: Come on!

Pierce and ??? looked at the direction of where Ein yelled and saw that he was already walking

Pierce: Hey! Wait for us!

Pierce held hands with ??? and started running towards Ein and then Ein started running, they were laughing most of the way
When they got there, many children were playing but there was a group of kids with only on color of clothes, a girl had purple, one had red and another had orange, ??? was nervous but it was too late to turn back

Ein: Hey! We got a new person to join the group!

Everyone looked at his direction and saw ???, the purple girl ran towards them

Aphmau: Hi new person! Welcome to the group! We are very nice so no need to be scared or nervous!

??? noticed that the girls energy was very energetic and a bit overwhelming but he didn't really mind, Aphmau grabbed ???'s wrist and pulled him to the group and ??? was a bit shy and awkward

Kawaii~chan: Awwww! Your sooo cute!
Zane: W-What about me Kawaii~chan. . .?
Kawaii~chan: Don't worry Zane, your always going to be my number one!

Zane's face turned red

???: What do you want to do?
Ein: Let's play jokes on people!

Everyone said yes at the same time and they got supplies and went around the neighborhood, after a few hours, they were eating at Aphmau's house until ???'s dad entered the house

???'s Dad: ???, it's time to go home! You can come back tomorrow!
???: Coming!
Aphmau: Wait! Before you go! Promise me and everyone hwere, that we will always be best friends

Aphmau had her pinkie out and ??? got his pinkie out and didn't think promise

Aphmau: What's your name?
???: My name is-
???'s Dad: We need to go now, Mommy is waiting on the car, say goodbye to your friends

??? looked sad

???: Next time I'll tell you all, bwut gwoodbye!

??? waved goodbye before exiting the house

He looks like this

619 words in this chapter 2/8/2023

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619 words in this chapter 2/8/2023

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