How they got together

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So, I finally got motivation to make this 😁

The group decided to go to the mall in the weekend but it seemed like everyone bailed right when Pierce and Noi arrived at the mall, they are alone together for most of the day

It was awkward at first but they started going to shops like Bath & Body Works

Noi: Which one do you want Pierce?
Pierce: Ummmmm... This sounds delicious (😍)
Noi: Pierce! It's not for eating! It's for your hands! (😅)
Pierce: But, is it edible?
Noi: I'm not sure to be honest but it isn't good for you!
Pierce: Then I would rather go eat food then get this... (😤)
Noi: After we pay for this, don't forget the lotion you picked
Pierce: Yeah yeah

They payed for the stuff then they picked a place to eat but when they entered, Pierce could feel his heartbeat increasing and his stomach feeling like there were butterflies swirling in

And Noi... Well, he was panicking, why were they acting like this? They never had feelings for each other or maybe they did and they never realized or their mind just ignored it

They picked a table and sat down (it was like a room?) then the waiter came by and asked for their order like every waiter does

Waiter: What would you two like to order?
Pierce: I don't know how to pronounce it but it's number sixteen
Waiter: Ah! A classic beverage here and you?
Noi: Just a pink lemonade
Waiter: Alright and for dinner?
Pierce: I would like the pork chops with potatoes and a fruit salad!
Waiter: Number five?
Pierce: Oh! Yeah
Waiter: And what would you like?
Noi: The fruit salad and katsu
Waiter: Alright and would you like to have dessert too?

Pierce said yes

Waiter: Alright! After you finish your dinner, I'll ask what you'll like for dessert!

The waiter walked away

Pierce realized that he didn't talk to Noi about whether he wanted dessert or not

Pierce: Ah! Sorry Noi, I should've asked you
Noi: It's okay Pierce! I don't mind

Pierce felt relieved but also thought to himself "Why am I acting like this? When I'm only with Noi today..." He was slowly realizing that he liked Noi but never... Felt it like today

Seems like his heart finally understood what it thought Noi as, a crush and maybe... If he has a chance, a lover too

The waiter came back with the beverages and then later with food

Waiter: Hope you enjoy!

They said 'Thank you' and the waiter then left

Pierce: I'm so hungry!
Noi: Me too
Pierce: I wonder what this drink is
Noi: Smell it?
Pierce: Okay

Pierce smelled it and it smelled like strawberry, he drank a little and he began coughing and his chest started burning

Noi: Are you okay Pierce!
Pierce: Yeah but I think this is like alcohol... (😅)
Noi: Why would they let you get that?
Pierce: I look older then I look I guess?

They started eating and Pierce didn't want to drink anymore but he didn't want to throw it away so he kept it

The waiter returned

Waiter: What would you like?
Pierce: Strawberry cake!
Noi: Me too please

The waiter nodded and then left and about five minutes later, the waiter returned, put the food down and left

They finished eating and when they did, they payed and left the restaurant and Pierce was still holding the drink in his hand

They explored the mall then they went home but it was too dark so they went to Noi's house, which was closer then Pierce's house and his parents are out of town and Noi's are visiting a friend not too far from home

They entered the house and Noi began getting nervous,sweaty and started to blush a bit and Pierce was the same but his heart felt like it was going to burst through his chest and his stomach was still the same from earlier

Noi was putting away stuff that his parents left from cooking eariler and Pierce decided to help, Pierce got something from Noi and put it away but Noi was smaller so when he turned around, his chest touched Pierce's

Pierce realized this but his mind and body stayed still and focused on Noi's eyes, and the same was happening to Noi, they got closer to each other, enough to kiss each other and well... They did

They didn't make out, no no no, they kissed once and then kept looking at each other's eyes like a magnet, then one last kiss until they both realized what happened (should I make this hella dramatic? Nah) and Pierce jumped back and began blushing red

So did Noi, but Pierce felt deep regret but stayed still, he didn't even realize that Noi had moved closer to him, he booted a little when he realized

Noi: D-do you even like me?

The tone in Noi's voice, made Pierce want to say something but he couldn't

Noi: Of course... Y-you just did it because you felt like you needed t-to, we were too close to each other

Noi was on the verge of crying, Pierce saw tears almost going out of Noi's eyes, Pierce put both of his hands on both sides of Noi's face and kissed him, Noi was shocked but then closed his eyes, when Pierce looked at Noi again, he was now able to speak

And tell Noi how he felt

Pierce: I like you Noi, I'm not so sure when I started developing feelings for you but I want to be more then best friends! I want to be your lover!
Noi: I would like that to but, how are we going to tell the others and our parents?
Pierce: Our parents will support that, I'm sure of it but with the group, when we are ready, we will tell
Noi: Okay, I trust you Pierce

They kissed again then smiled and laughed, in the end, Pierce slept over and the next day, they didn't even need to tell their parents, Noi's parents found out then they told Pierce's

Hopefully you guys liked it, I will try my best to post at LEAST three parts a month or more depends on my motivation

1061 words in this chapter!

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