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I haven't done a new chapter in SO LONG, I'll probably do like three more or something, idk, anyways!

After graduating from highschool, Pierce and Noi came out to the group, everyone supported them (obviously) and they still talked to each other, they would meet up sometimes or just call and talk about life, they all went to college but not the same ones, which made Noi feel insecure but he wasn't the only one, Pierce was always filled with thoughts and nightmares of Noi kissing or just fucking running off with a "better dude"

He kept this to himself for what felt like forever, how? Easy, he cut himself OR......Drinked by himself, but never poisoning himself on accident (why am I making this kinda depressing now that I am finally back?😅) he never tried to k!ll himself but he had thoughts, but, don't we all?

It didn't go well for Pierce one day when he passed out in the middle of class, the teachers called the nurse but the nurse knew that it was something more serious, so they went to the hospital, the doctors diagnosed him with an eating disorder (my gang, where you at? Sorry🥲) His family was called but so was Noi, and then Noi called everyone else

They all rushed to the hospital and cried as they saw the state of him, so did his family, but....His uncle was a whole different story (I'ma make y'all hate this man so much, trust)

Ein: Idiot! What were you thinking! Not eating at all! Not sleeping for god knows how long!
Pierce: Sorry to make you worry bro, can't help it, blame my mental health

Everyone hugged him, trying not to squish him, he started to breakdown and started to cry in whoevers shoulder was closest, which was Kawai~chan's, the doctor came in and told everyone to wait outside of the room, after a few minutes, an elder man came in and slowly entered the room, Pierce's eyes widened and tears started to spill

Pierce: Hello uncle.....What are you doing here?
Bastard Uncle: Just came to see how my nephew is doing

Pierce looked down and then looked at him

Pierce: Since when did you start calling me your nephew again?

The uncle sighed and took off his glasses then looked st him with sad eyes

Bastard Uncle: Look, I am not proud of what I did in the past and I would like to apologize, you know that I love you, Right?

Pierce started to cry and he bit his lip while looking out the window and then back at his 'uncle'

Pierce: And you couldn't apologize sooner? Even if you did, I still wouldn't look at you that same, do you remember what you did to me?
Bastard Uncle: Piercy-
Pierce: DON'T call me that.....

Pierce yelled, the friends outside flinched, Zain looked at Noi

Zain: Do you know who he is, Noi?
Noi: No, he never told me anything about his uncle.....

Back in the room, Pierce was crying still and his 'uncle' was getting visible frustrated, Pierce pressed a button and it ringed

Bastard Uncle: What did you do?
Pierce: Let me remind you of what you did, 'uncle'
Bastard Uncle: I don't want to hear it!
Pierce: You would burn me with your cigarettes......Kick me out in the rain because I didn't clean the rooms correctly, you abused my aunt, Right infront of me.....Do you know how much trauma you gave me!? You deserve to die and ROT IN HELL (I am imagining Pierce say this and lowkey....It's sad)

The 'uncle' gritted his teeth and stood up but then the doctors came in right as the uncle was about to hit Pierce, they detained him by the shoulders, Pierce was shaking and breathing heavily, Noi and Ein ran in, Noi comforted Pierce and Ein stood infront of the 'uncle'

Ein: Hope you have fun in prison~, stay there, that's where you belong, pig

Ein spat, the 'uncle' yelled and tried to kick Ein but failed.....A few hours later, Pierce was free from the hospital, alone.

Everyone left college but Pierce struggled and was pulled back a year or two but then finally, he left that place and ran to Noi's place, he entered the house but when he did, he saw something he wished he never saw.

He saw Ein and Noi......

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