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Ein woke up late and Pierce spent three minutes waiting for Ein outsode of his house and Ein saw him through his window and started changing, when he finished and went downstairs, his mom was watching TV and petting Gold, he got his shoes and started putting them on

Ein: Mom! Why didn't you wake me up! I'm late!
Ein's mom: I thought you already left and I was busy with Goldy, he needs some attention you know!
Ein: I give him lots of attention! Whatever mom, bye!

When he finished putting on his shoes, He walked outside and saw Pierce with his arms crossed

Ein: Hehe. . . Ummmmm, sorry?

Pierce hit Ein on the head

Ein: Ow! What was that for!?
Pierce: For making me wait here for fifteen minutes! It's cold and I'm in shorts!

Pierce started walking and Ein walked beside him

Ein: I-I'm sorry, my alarm didn't wake me up
Pierce: Can you not call your mom an alarm!?
Ein: It fits her early in the morning!

Pierce kept yelling at him and Ein just suffered for the whole walk to school, when they got there, people were walking to their classes, Ein and Pierce started running through the crowd, trying their best to not hitting anyone, they arrived to class just in time before the bell ringed

Teacher: Okay class, please take out your geometry textbooks and go to page a hundred and eighty please

The teacher started writing equations on ghe white board while everyone was going to the page, when the teacher turned around, everyone was on the page

Teacher: Today we will be going over these

The teacher tapped the board with the expo marker

Teacher: This will be on your test in a few weeks, we will take a quiz on what you learned and remembered from last semester, May and Dilan could you please hand your classmates these papers?

May: Okay!
Dilan: Ugh! Fine

Everyone knows Dilan, there is always a highschool bully, his one of them, after the papers were passed out, everyone stared the quiz and after they finished, they had free time, most of the people played games but the rest of them studied, which were Ein and Pierce, I know they aren't the type to do it but it is their second to last game so they had to try harder than other times, when class finished, Ein and Pierce went to the bleachers and ate brunch with their friends

Ein: Hey Kitty!
Kitty: Hi Ein!

Ein and Kitty had been dating since the seventh grade but nobody knkws that yet

Aphmu: Soooooo, what did you do in class?

Aphmau took a bit of her sandwich after saying that

Pierce: We just did a quiz and studied thing from page hundred and eighty to two hundred and thirty five
Noi: I-I'm glad your studying more now. . .
Pierce: Thanks Noi!
Ein: What about me!?
Aaron: Great job

The bell ringed shortly after they finished their food, they all went to their classes and at the end of the day, they hanged out but there was always someone missing

Kitty: Hey guys?
Aphmau: What sis?
Kawaii~chan: Mmm?
Kitty: Do you know where he is?
Pierce: His in his balcony doing homework and watching us have fun, it's sad but well! There's nothing we can do about i- Owwwww!

Ein hit Pierce on the head

Ein: His our best friend Pierce!
Pierce: Ugh! Fineeeeee

Ein and Pierce started walking to the house and knocked on the door, ??? answered it

???: Why are you guys here?
Ein: Come out and hang with us!
???: I wish I could but I'm almost done with my homework
Pierce: How long will it take you?
???: Fifteen minutes at least, I'll come out when I'm done
Ein: Okay

Ein and Pierce waved goodbye and so did ???, they got to their group and to past the time, they decided to play some videos games, and after ten minutes, they saw ??? putting on his sweater and doing his hair

Ein: I guess he just needed five more minutes to change

They continued playing and Kitty won

Kitty: Yes! Finally!

Everyone started laughing, ??? arrived and they all said hi, they went to the park and did a food fight, all of them went home and Pierce walked Noi home because he was scared since it was dark

???: Thanks for inviting me
Ein: No problem!
Pierce: Eh! Don't mention it

They all did goodbyes and went home

760 words in this new chapter 2/9/2023

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