Chapter 2: Memorabilia

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Nature has made us intolerant to change, but fortunately, we have the capacity to change our nature.


It had been two weeks since you and Pitch had suddenly disappeared, and the pain of loneliness had been gradually gnawing away at Bunny each night. Though Vanish had promised that it would only be a week, Bunny found himself left in the dark for twice as long.

To cope, he took solace in the library, occupying himself with painting while Rogue, who sat beside him, was impatiently reading. Desperately, everyone had been begging Vanish, Erebus and the dwarves for some clue as to your whereabouts, but to no avail - no one had an answer.

Eagerly awaiting your instructions, the team attempted to maintain their composure. Erebus busied himself with research alongside the Acting Grand Master, while Vanish resorted to sparring with Tooth in order to pass the time. The dwarves stayed close to one another, though despite all of Vanish's efforts, there was still no sign from you.

"Ancient relic, ancient weapon...what could it be that's taking them so long?" Rogue asked, her expression contorting into that of concern. Even she barely slept in the previous few days; she knew she shouldn't be worrying, but couldn't help it.

"Maybe they're still searching for it?" a boy chimed in. Jack was still the same; white-haired and with piercing blue eyes and porcelain skin. His typical attire of a blue hooded sweater, the trousers with a lighter material patch around the knee down to the tattered frayed end, and going without shoes, were all still there. Not to forget his magical staff with the G-shaped arch resembling a shepherd's crook. Jack was, undeniably, the same old Jack.

"You know them, they'd have found whatever it is by now," Rogue sighed, and looked to Sandy and North, "any ideas?"

North was an incredibly large figure, standing tall and broad with a slight roundness. His eyes remained a deep blue, while his eyebrows were black in contrast to his blinding white beard. He wore a black fur hat and a long red coat with a black fur lining, and his outfit was completed by a checkered red shirt. Even after so many years, he still had the words 'naughty' and 'nice' inscribed on his arms, as well as his customary weapons.

Sandman, or as he still preferred to be called Sandy, was still a short and squat individual, garbed in an outfit made of his Dream sand appearing as a night robe. His hair, though still vaguely clownish, was golden and short, styled into five points, and glitters like his sand. He still had the tiniest feet, and the most sparkly brown eyes.

"Um, guys? Hello?" Rogue called, watching as the two distracted themselves while playing cards. Fortunately for Sandy, he was crowned the winner of this round.

"Hah-ha! Good one, my friend!" North roared with laughter, patting his knee as a crown of hopes materialised above Sandy's head. With an elegant bow and a touch of self-satisfaction, North kept guffawing, beaming at Rogue as he encouraged her to proceed.

"You guys have lived pretty long, right?" She began, standing from her seat and sipping her drink, "what kind of relic do you think Mom and Uncle would be after? Let alone, Prince Manny himself."

Sandy and North paused to consider the query. North rubbed his chin thoughtfully, while Sandy shifted his weight between his feet. After a short deliberation, the two were unable to come to a conclusion and simply shrugged their shoulders in response.

"Seriously? I thought you two were the closest with the Prince?" She continued, shelving her used books. North laughed in delight, and waved his hands in denial.

"Your mother is far closer than any other," North smiled, shuffling the cards between him and Sandy, dealing them out again, "round six, my friend?"

Sandy was delighted and let out a joyous clap, while Rogue responded with a slight giggle. She and Tooth continued their research, turning the pages of various tomes in the hopes of finding some clues.

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