Chapter 4: Supernova

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"Those who shine brightest, often burn the fastest."


"And then ah wrangled the blimey beast! Aye, she had taken a good cut o' me ole leg, but ah severed that beasts head! There be blood, and guts spewed across the decks, and enough meat to feast fer an eternity!"

Bunny leaned against the sturdy wooden hull of the vessel, slicing potatoes and tossing the remains into a cask. Three days had gone by since the ship had sailed away from the port, leaving three whole days of potato preparation... The crewmates may have enjoyed Urdrumir's entertaining narrations of legendary deeds, but they weren't powerful enough to shake Bunny's mind off his confused reflections. In his grasp he held the petite, frayed memo that you had left before you vanished. Its surface was fading and tatters clung to its edges, but it still emitted your alluring fragrance.

His eyes were drawn back to the table, where everyone was huddled around Urdrumir as he captivated them with his fascinating tales. Rogue had a bright sparkle in her eyes as she hung on to his every word, clearly intrigued by his escapades. It was heart-warming to witness her being invigorated again, even as she shared her own narratives and journeys with him.

"Just look at her...she still has the wonder of a child," Tooth flitted beside Bunny, sitting beside him. She reached for a potato and begun to join him, flicking scraps to the barrel, "it's remarkable how she's matured in such little time..."

Bunny brightened up as the fairy spoke, turning his gaze towards her. The woman's rosy lips were shaped into a restrained grin while her eyes wandered among the company. North and Jack contributed to the conversations, triggering uproariously joyous laughter within the ship. "Do you think that— that (Y/N)'s okay?" Tooth whispered, staring down into her lap as she paused, "I know she's strong but— neither you or Rogue seem worried..."

Bunny sighed, tossing his unpeeled potato into the barrel as he hunched over, "ta be honest, Toothy...ah'm scared."

"What? You're...scared?"

"I dunno where my wife is, I dunno if she's okay, if she's safe, or even if she's dead or not," Bunny groaned, watching Rogue dance with the crew happily, "ah just— I don't wanna let Rogue down..."

Tooth's hand laid gently on Bunny's shoulder, along with Sandy's soothing palm. Bunny's grin widened at the show of camaraderie, sinking back into his wooden chair to witness the scene of Rogue, Jack, and North cackling in joy. Lively Jazz music seeped into the atmosphere, as they moved and entertained themselves, much to Bunny's distaste for the genre. If you were here, you would have been persistent in having him hop up and dance with you.

"How do you think the children back home are?" Tooth asked with a smile, looking up to him and Sandy, who was happily sitting on Bunny's shoulders", "I left my fairies in charge, but we didn't exactly decide on what our plan was."

"From what I gathered, North's got his Yeti's and Elves, ah've got my sentinels as well as some o' Rogue's 'gal pals' helpin' out, and (Y/N)'s Consul of 'idiots' are in charge fer the time bein'." Bunny cringed at his last words, wondering how much chaos the Empire would be in by the time they returned home. You wouldn't be disappointed. Maybe. Probably.

Tooth giggled at his cringe expression as she eyed the golden ring on his paw. She smiled at the sight; he would always flaunt both the ring and his wife-to-be. And when he did, you were usually tossed up onto his shoulder, trapped in the confines of his arms. It always made them laugh, especially seeing you so worked up and embarrassed. A Queen being teased was always hilarious.

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