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A few days had gone by, leaving a single day until the Frosted Formal. The tensions were high, and the desperation to set a date was even higher. The pretty, popular, and pristine were already all taken. Those who were already dating were taken, leaving those who weren't going to the dance or those who had no one to go with yet.

Among that crowd stood Noah, but it wasn't for a reason, one might think. He had been asked out by a multitude of cheerleaders, softball players, girls from his class, and even by a baseball team member. And despite how tempting it was to just take one of the offers and be done with it, he knew it wouldn't satisfy him. For he had one boy on his mind as his date. The boy he had planned to ask for years but never could because he never went.

But now, time was directly in his hands, brought upon by his one rival that stood in his way. However, that mattered little to Noah because all he had to do was ask first, and with the plan he had, he just had to put it into action. Nothing would stop him. Nothing could stop him.

He entered his final class of the day; woodshop. The one he was hoping would never come. He hoped the fire alarm would go on beforehand and school would be canceled. He didn't want to go to the one because he would be there. At least in Biology, he just had to put up with the sounds of his voice, but now he had to actually look at him and be around him. Perhaps it was his own emotions crying out, but this was the last place he wanted to be.

Joseph was waiting for them both to arrive, surprised to find that Kane had yet to show up. Maybe things were turning up for him. He happily took his seat, a devilish smirk sealed on his lips. "Oh no! No new kid today? Poor kid," Noah mocked with a pouting lip.

"Actually, he just went to the bathroom, so he will be joining us," Joseph informed matter-of-factly. "What do you have against him right now anyway? It seemed since the other day you've had it out for him...more than usual."

"Because I can practically hear his thoughts, he wants to ask PJ to the dance, and I can't have that!"

"And why's that?"

"Because PJ will clearly say yes, and I can't have that!"

"My god, Noah, why can't you just be happy for PJ? They both like each other at least a little bit. So why not support your friend instead of trying to play homewrecker?"

"Because then I won't have a date, and everything I've ever worked for to get PJ even fucking pay attention to me every day will be for nothing!" The bell rang, and Kane was last in line as the final wave of students flooded in. Kane's hands held a large unclear object. Until he came closer and sat it upon the table did Joseph know what it was.

"Holy shit, Kane, is that your birdhouse?" Joseph wondered with wide eyes. As much as he didn't want to, not even Noah could deny, it looked pretty good for not having a plan attached to it.

"Yep! I found that I have a lot of time on my hands when I can't sleep or wake up early, so I finished it last night! Do you think the paint job is okay? I found that I had the same problem as I did with the pencil, but I think I pulled it off?" Kane stressed a bit.

"Are you kidding? It's perfect! Right, Noah?" The other twin just rolled his eyes, not wanting to answer. Joseph released an angry sigh but congratulated Kane once more.

The teacher got up from his desk, and his students' attention gathered. He clapped his hands together, "Alright, students, your blueprints need to be finished by the end of class today! Without that, you'll receive an immediate failure, understand?" Mumbles of agreement flooded the room.

"Uh, s-sir!" Kane panicked, shoving his hand in the air, "I-I finished my birdhouse! I was wondering when you could look at it?"

"Give me five minutes to gather my papers. Make sure all the nails are hammered in tight because if I find one small error, and all blueprints are on you, newbie!" He shot, retreating to his desk. Kane shuffled in his seat, never actually being graded on anything before. He began getting antsy just watching the twins finish their drawings.

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