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The five pulled up to the dance scene just in time for the gym doors to open and let in all the nicely dressed students. Many kids that went in groups were color-coated with their date or had some sort of theme, which made Kane a little bitter that the idea he once had was so popular.

But at the exact same time, it hardly mattered anymore. He never unsealed his lips the entire trip from PJ's house to the school. Though he never wanted to believe it, the feeling deep down inside told him that tonight was the end. Everything was going to end tonight. He just didn't know when. It seemed he never really did. His sense of time had become irrelevant when he started living in the forest. At some point, he just understood that things happened whenever they would choose to happen. Tonight was no different. Except that tonight it could mean life or death, dream or nightmare. Everything he's ever wanted, or everything he's ever feared.

Their limo pulled into where the buses would usually park, the driver putting everything to a stop and rounding the car before opening the door for his passengers. Then, one by one, they exited onto the red carpet the party planners had rolled out.

First came Joseph in a green short-sleeve button-up with a black tie, pants, and freshly shined shoes. His curls seemed more volumized with some effort behind them. He wore his fancier round-frame glasses that he only adorned for this occasion.

Behind him was Erica, a bright strapless yellow dress danced down to her knees with nude heels at her feet. Her hair was french braided, which was just enough of a subtle change to her normal to be considered fancy.

Then, of course, was the next twin. He wore a deep red button-up, white pants, and shoes. He had a black bowtie, and his hair was gelled entirely back with close to nothing out of place. He also bought himself a red rose corsage wrapped around his wrist, embracing the idea that he was his own date which was rather hilarious to his twin.

Finally, PJ and Kane exited, and the limo took off into the night. PJ was ready, actually excited to follow his friends into the gym. But, when he moved, Kane did not follow. Looking back, he just stood there, eyes dry and glazed over like he wasn't seeing anything past his own thick thoughts.

"Hey, are you alright?" PJ whispered, shaking him. That woke him up, eyes blinking once again with signs of life.

"I'm fine. Just have my head in the clouds."

"I can see right through you, Kane; I know what you're thinking." The forest boy sighed and agreed.

"I'm just a little shaken, that's all. I mean, the person I haven't seen in years that ruined my life was just in your living room. But it's okay. It just spooked me."

"Do you think he'll try anything?"

"No." Kane answered rather quickly with wavering confidence, "No, everything will be fine. Let's enjoy our night, okay?" PJ nodded with a shy smile, taking Kane's hand as they walked up the red carpet like movie stars. The trio was waiting at the top of the steps, following them through the gym doors immediately being blasted by musical noise.

The room looked so much different than any of them remembered. Streamers and balloons hung all over the walls in the school's colors, blue and silver. But that was hard to tell with all the multicolored lights flaring up around the room. The bleachers were all folded up; taking their place were food tables, including a chocolate fountain at the end of it all. A photo booth was near the door into the hallways, plenty of dance space with a student DJ at the head of the room.

"Erica, this looks amazing! You planned all of this?" Joseph enthused, giving her a sweet kiss on her cheek.

"Pretty much! I did all the decorations and the music playlist, so if you hate a song, complain to someone else," She sassed.

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