8. Witches

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Elena and I walk into history. There's a new teacher. Bonnie walks in and it's obvious something is wrong. She shrugs when we ask her about it.

The new teacher introduces himself as "Alaric Saltzman."

During free period Bonnie tells us about her nightmare about her ancestor, Emily.
"Do you believe in ghosts?" She asks.
"Two weeks ago, I'd say no." Elena mutters.
"Honestly, probably." I say.
"I think I'm being haunted."
"Why Emily?"
"Grams said she was a powerful witch in the Civil War days. This medallion was hers. It's a witches talisman." Bonnie says.
"All because of the necklace?" Elena asks.

My phone starts ringing. It's Damon.

"Give me a minute." I say getting up to answer it.
"Hey Ellie." He says.
"What do you want?" I ask.
"No need to be rude."
"Sorry, there's a lot going on."
"I need a favor?"
"I'm not leaving school." I say. He laughs.
"You don't need to do that. I just need you to help me get Bonnie's necklace."
"I can't do that."
"I don't know, Damon." I whisper.

"I need it."
"Just talk to her. Explain why you need it."
"I tried that." He says. The bell rings.
"I have to go." I whisper before hanging up.

At the end of the day I get into Bonnie's car. She tells us about how Damon showed up asking for it.
"Shit." I mutter.
"That's my fault. He asked me to help get it, and I told him to just talk to you." I say. She sighs.

"You can't be alone, Bonnie. You're both sleeping at my place tonight." She says. I nod in agreement. Bonnie pulls over.

She throws the necklace and gets back in the car.
"You okay?" I ask.
"Now I am."
"What's your grams gonna say?"
"She isn't the one being haunted by a 150-year-old ghost, is she?"
"Okay, then."

Bonnie goes on to continue driving.

We're relaxing at Elena's when Stefan shows up and Elena walks out to talk to him.

Caroline comes over.
"I'm sorry. There, I said it. If you want the ugly ass necklace keep it."
"Will you hate me if I tell you I threw it away?"
"You what?"
"I know it sounds crazy. The necklace was giving me nightmares."
"You couldve given it back to me."
"Why? So you could give it back to Damon?" Elena asks.
"Guys, calm down." I say.

"Are we doing manicures or what?"
"My kits in my bag." Bonnie says. Caroline goes to get it.

"Why are you such a little liar, Bonnie?" Caroline asks.
"Caroline." Elena scolds. She turns around holding the necklace.

Bonnie goes on to defend herself and it becomes a big thing. Bonnie storms out to the living room.

Caroline goes to apologize after me and Elena convince her to.

Once they've made up we walk over to them.
"What do you guys wanna do?"
"Why don't we have a seance?"
"That's not a good idea."
"Come on." She pleads. "Let's summon some spirits. This Emily chick has some serious explaining to do."

We all go upstairs and set one up.

"What are we doing exactly?" I ask.
"Be quiet and concentrate."
"Emily. You there?"
"That's all you got?" I ask.
"Emily. I call on you. I know you have a message. I'm here to listen."

The candles flames shoot up. We back away.

"Ask her to show you a sign." Caroline asks. Bonnie shakes her head.
"Emily, show us another sign." I ask. Nothing happens.
"See, it's not working."

The window flies open.
"I'm done." Bonnie yells taking her necklace off. The lights go out.

Elena goes to turn the light on, only for the necklace to be missing.

We look around for it.
"Fun's over Caroline. You made a point now give it back."
"What? I didn't take it."

Elena sees something.
"What happened?" I ask.
"Nothing. Jeremy?" She calls out looking out.

"Guys." Bonnie says while walking in the bathroom. She picks the necklace up off the floor. The door slams.

We all start yelling while trying to open the door. The lights start flickering.

They turn back on and the door opens.

"Bonnie?" I ask. She looks up.
"I'm fine." She says sounding slightly different.
"Unbelievable. You were totally faking it."
"Come on."
"No, you scared the hell out of me." She says walking out.

Bonnie walks past us. We follow.
"I can't believe I fell for it."
"I must go." Bonnie says.
"If she's leaving I'm leaving."
"You can't leave."
"Oh, I can. I've had enough fake witch stuff for one night."
"Thank you for having me. I'll take it from here." Bonnie says starting to walk down the stairs.
"Where are you going?"
"Back to where it all began."
"Bonnie?" She doesn't answer her. "Bonnie?"
"Oh my god. Emily?" I ask. She turns to us.
"I won't let him have it. It must be destroyed." She says walking out.

We run to the door and it's not opening. It flies open and Jeremy walks inside. Caroline runs out.
"Call Stefan." I say.

"He said to stay here." Elena says.
"Yeah, no." I say running to find her keys.

I walk out.
"Elise?" She calls out running after me. She gets in and we start driving.

Once there, we run out.

All I see is fire. I'm genuinely terrified.

We get closer. Bonnie is standing in a ring of fire.
"Bonnie!" Elena yells. Stefan grabs her.

She throws the necklace in the air and it explodes.
"No!" Damon yells.

The fire disappears and Damon runs at her.
"Damon! No!" I yell. He starts to bite her neck.

I start to run towards them.

Stefan throws Damon off.
"She's alive but barely. I can save her." Stefan says. He gives her some of his blood.

I look at Damon who's staring at her.

Bonnie's neck starts healing.

She gets up and Elena and I pull her away. She's terrified.

I look over my shoulder and Damon's gone.

Stefan is standing next to us.
"His face. Your blood." She mutters.
"I'm not going to hurt you."
"He won't." Elena defends him.

"I need to tell her." Elena says. I nod.
"Take her home." I say.
"And you?"
"I have to do something." I say. She nods and walks away with her. Stefan leaves and I walk to find Damon.

He's sitting alone.
"Damon." I whisper.
"She never compelled me. I knew everything every step of the way." He says. I put my hand on his shoulder as I sit down. "It was real for me."
"It's been over 100 years." I whisper. He shakes his head.
"I'll leave now. I can't save her."

I lean my head on his shoulder. I feel his head leaning against mine.

We just stay like that, not talking or moving. It's a comfortable, yet sad silence.

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