10. Georgia

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I open my eyes. I'm in a car. I turn around and see Damon.

"Morning." He says.
"Where are we?" I ask.
"In Georgia."
"Shut up." I laugh softly reaching for my head as it starts to hurt.
"Seriously we're in Georgia. How you feeling?"
"There's no broken bones I checked."
"There was a man. I hit a man. Then he got up and- Who was that?"
"That's what I would like to know."
"What's going on? Why do I feel fine?"
"My blood was in your system." Damon says matter of factly.
"Am I-?"
"No. It just healed you."

"Damon, look no one knows where I am. Can we please go back?"
"We're almost there."
"Where is there?"
"A little place right outsode Atlanta. Have a little time out. Step away from your life for five minutes."
"Okay." I laugh.

"Is your blood out of my system?" I ask.
"Just about." Damon says smiling.

"So where's my car?
"I pulled it off to the side of the rise I don't think anyone will bother it."
"What about that man on the road was he a vampire?"
"From what I could tell? Yeah."
"What are we gonna do?" I ask.
"For starters, not invite people in."
"You're literally the only person I ever bring over." I laugh.
"Very true."
"I'll have to talk to Stefan and figure something out."
"Why would he be here?" I ask.
"Many reasons. He could just be a vamp passing through. Could be after something."
"Or someone."

Damon parks infront of 'Brees Bar.'
"A bar? This is where you needed to go to so bad?" I ask. Damon and I get out.

We walk inside. The bartender turns to us.
"No, it can't be. Damon?" She asks jumping over the counter. "My honey pie." They quickly start aggressively kissing. 

We go and sit down while she pours us shots.

"Listen up everybody! Hears to the man that broke my heart, crushed my soul, destroyed my life, and ruined any and all chances of happiness! Drink up." She says. Damon and I throw our heads back letting the liquid fill our throats.

"So how'd he rope you in?" Bree asks me.
"I'm not roped in." I laugh.
"Oh honey, if you're not roped, you're whipped. Either way just enjoy the ride."
"Okay. So how did you two meet?"
"You went to college?" I ask turning to Damon.
"I've been in a college camps. Yes."
"About 20 years ago when I was a sweet young freshman, I met this beautiful man. I fell in love and then he told me about his little secret. Made me love him even more cause I had a little secret of my own that I was dying to share with somebody."
"She's a witch." Damon whispers to me and I nod smiling at Bree.

"You changed my world, you know."
"I rocked your world."
"He is good in the sack isn't he?" Bree asks me. I glance at Damon. "But mostly he's just a walk away joe."

She steps back against the counter.
"So what is it that you want?" Bree asks.
"Let's sit somewhere else." Damon says.
"You guys do that. I need to call Matt." I say to Damon. He nods.

I walk outside and call Matt.
"Elise? Where the hell are you?" Matt asks.
"Hi, sorry." I whisper.
"Where are you?" He repeats.
"I'm safe. I'll be home soon." I say hanging up walking back inside.

Damon and I order fries and burgers.
"So, how does this relate to Katherine?" I ask taking a bite of my fry.
"Everything you do is about Katherine. What's this have to do with her?" I ask.
"Brees a witch."
"You're hoping she can break the spell?"
"Or at least tell me how."
"Did she?"
"I'm sorry." I say.

"What you don't like pickles? What's wrong with you?" Damon asks grabbing the pickles off my plate.
"Wait how do vampires even eat?" I ask.
"As long as I keep a healthy diet of blood in my system, my body functions pretty normally."

Bree hands is both a beer. I turn to Damon as our bottles clink against eachother.

"You know, Lexi said something to me before well.. you know." I say. He raises his brows.
"What did she say?"
"She said I was gonna turn one day." I laugh softly.
"It's an eternity of hell." Damon mutters.
"That's because you've chosen to spend yours searching for a practically dead woman." I smile.
"Low blow."

Soon enough we've got the whole bar drinking and racing out shots together.
"You have a secret admirer." Damon whispers.
"What? Where?" I ask. Damon motions behind us.

There's a guy who looks older than Damon standing there. He's looking at us.
"He's old." I whisper.
"May I remind you how old I am? You kissed me."
"I was drunk."
"You're drunk now." He says. I roll my eyes.

My phone starts ringing.
"Hold on." I mutter stepping away.

I put the phone to my ear.
"Hello?" It's Matt.
"Hi Matty." I say.
"Where the hell are you? I'm worried sick."
"Sorry I can't hear you hold on."

I step outside.
"Matt?" I ask to the phone. I feel hands press against my face and pull me away.

He stops in some random place behind the bar.
"Don't move or Ill kill you." The guy from before says.
"Who are you?"
"Doesn't matter."
"What the hell do you want?"
"I'm going to kill your friend."
"Damon?" I ask. He nods.

Just as if in cue I can see Damon walking towards me.
"Damon no!" I yell.

The guy runs and hits the back of his knee causing Damon to fall.
"What the hell?" Damon yells as he continues getting beat. I start climbing down as quick as possible.

The guy disappears and reappears with a bottle of gasoline. I jump and start running while it gets poured on Damon.
"No!" I yell only causing the guy to turn and hiss at me. I step back looking at Damon on the floor.

"Who are you?" Damon asks.
"That's perfect you have no idea."
"What are you talking about? What did he do?" I yell.
"He killed my girlfriend."

Damon tries sitting up but ends up getting more gasoline poured on him.
"What did she do to you huh? What did she do to you?"
"I'm confused." I say trying to distract him.
"My girlfriend went to visit Stefan and Damon killed her. Got it?" He says facing me. Damon begins sitting up and gets hit in the face.

"Lexi? Lexi was your girlfriend. I was told you were human."
"I was." He says reaching in to pull out a lighter.
"Lexi turned you."
"If you wanna be with someone forever you have to live forever." He says kicking Damon in the face.

"She loved you. When it's real you can't walk away." l
"Well, that's a choice you're not gonna have to make."
"Don't. Please dont hurt him." I beg.

"I'm doing you a favor." He says lighting the match.
"Be better than him. Don't do this, i'm begging you. Please." I say. He stares at me for a second before picking up Damon and throwing him really far.

"Thank you."
"It wasn't for you." He says before running away.

I run to Damon's side.
"Ow." Damon mutters. I grab his head and lift it up onto me.
"You need blood." I say lifting my sleeve.
"Elise." Damon mumbles.
"Drink." I say handing him my wrist. He grabs it looking at me. I nod.

I feel his teeth sink in and I lean my head back. It feels strange. Damon sits up slightly moving me with him. Damon pulls away throwing his head back.
"That was- woah." He mutters.
"Can we go?" I ask. He nods standing up.
"Go wait in the car. I'll be out in a second I need to take care of something."
"What something?" I ask. He doesn't respond. "Bree?" He nods.

Vervain {Damon Salvatore}Where stories live. Discover now