13. Tomb

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I open my eyes. My head hurts and I'm in a random room. There's a guy there, he's sleeping on a chair.

I glance at the door. I get up carefully and begin to walk over. I start to unlock the door as quietly as possible.
"I wouldn't." I hear. I turn around and he's right behind me.

He gets close to me.
"Don't try to escape. Don't even move. Do you understand?"
"I understand." I say. He turns around and I open the door.

Anna is there and she grabs me.
"I told her not to move. I did that eye thing you taught me."
"But forgot the lesson on vervain. She's friends with vampires." Anna says throwing me into the bathroom.

I turn the light on and look around. Bonnie is in the tub.
"Bonnie?" I mutter running to her side. She's unconscious. I grab a towel and run it under water. I press it onto her forhead until she wakes up.

"You're okay." I smile.
"My head."

I help her sit up.
"Ben is a..."
"Sh." I say tapping my ear. I turn the faucet on.
"I'm so stupid. What's going on? Why are we here?"
"It must have something to do with the tomb and the spell book."
"Spell book?"
"It's needed to open the tomb."
"Why didn't I know about any of this?"
"We didn't want you involved. They need a witch."
"No way."
"I know, Bonnie."

The door bursts open and Ben walks in. I stand infront of Bonnie. He turns the faucet off.
"You're wasting your time. I'm not gonna help you." Bonnie says. He grabs me.
"That's why she's here. Motivation for you to behave. You know, you shouldn't be so desperate. You made it too easy."
"Go to hell." I say.
"She wants to talk to you." He says throwing me out.

I look up at Anna.
"We barley spoke last night." She says to me.
"You want the tomb open for your mother right?" I ask.
"Katherine just couldn't help herself. She just had to toy around with both the Salvatore brothers. Then when she got caught so did my mother. I watched Johnathan Gilbert take her away."
"Why am I here?" I ask.
"Leverage." She grabs my phone. "This belong to you."
"Anna." I say reaching for it. She pulls it back and begins typing.

I hear the phone ring.
"It's Anna." She says. "Tell me you have the grimoire and she'll be fine." I don't hear the response. "And I have the witch so you better meet me in the public town square in 30 minutes so we can safely discuss how fun it's gonna be to work together." She hangs up. She smiles at me.
"He won't work with you." I say.
"You better hope he does."

She walks to the door and knocks.
"I'm leaving." She says. The door opens and Ben drags Bonnie out. "Keep them buttoned down. Compulsion won't work. Just use violence."
"Right got that." Ben says. Anna leaves. "Sit. Behave." He says throwing Bonnie on the bed.

"So you're the key to this. The one who opens the door. Tell me, how long have you been a witch?"
"Is there anything to drink here?" I ask.
"Are you offering?" He asks.
"I'm filled with vervain." I smile.
"There's water on the nightstand." He says.

I turn to grab it.
"Hey. Can I have a sip?" Bonnie asks. I nod handing it to her. She throws it on him and he catches on fire.  We get up and start running. Bonnie opens the door. He grabs me.
"Close the door. Lock it!"
"Don't hurt her." Bonnie says.
"Don't make me."

We sit on the bed.
"Witches don't have eternal life, right?" Ben asks. I look at his hands. He doesn't have a daylight ring. "So you guys can die?"
"Yeah, we can die."
"That sucks." He says moving to the other side of the room.

The door bursts open. It's Stefan. He screams falling back. I jump up and open the curtain. I grab our phones and run out.

Elena hugs us.
"Are you guys okay?" She asks. I nod.

We get to Bonnie's grams house. She tells us she used a locator spell.
"So what do we do now?" Elena asks.
"Well for now you need to stay here." Stefan says.
"A prisoner in my own house? I don't think so."
"I can't protect you if you leave the house."
"We'll protect ourselves."
"Look. Damon isn't going to stop. Just let him get Katherine."
"No. He doesn't deserve it."
"What other choice do we have?" Elena asks.
"Witches being pulled down by vampire problems. As much as we do to try to stay out of it. I'll open the tomb. You get your brothers girl and destroy the rest."
"We still have to get Damon to agree."
"He already agreed once."
"Yeah, and then you guys betrayed him." I say.
"He's angry."
"No. He's hurt. Let me talk to him."

I drive to the Salvatore house. Damon is there.
"Thanks for the help." I say.
"Stefan offered. I talked to Anna."
"Bonnies gonna help."
"Doubt that."
"She did Damon. They're not gonna betray you, I promise."
"Fool me once, shame on you." He whispers.
"Damon. I wouldn't lie to you."
"They did."
"They're not me."

"You know Anna won't stop no matter what I do."
"We'll deal with that." I say.

Damon and I walk to the church. The party is happening.
"They better stay clear of the church."

We get to the church.
"Brother. Witches."
"I just wanna get this over with." Elena says.
"Are we ready?" I ask.
"Guess so."

We walk down. I watch as Grams lights the torches and pours water.
"Admit it." Damon says to Stefan. "You can't wait to get rid of me."
"I can't wait to get rid of you."

"We're ready." Bonnie says.
They start chanting witchy stuff.
"What are they saying?"
"Sounds latin."
"I don't think it's latin."
"It's witchy nonsense." I mutter.

The door opens.
"It worked." Elena whispers.
"Don't you have some fires to build?" Damon asks Stefan. Stefan runs out.

"You ready?" Damon asks me.
"Do you think I'm going in by myself so you can seal me in?" Damon says while grabbing my arm.
"Don't bring her in. I'll bring the walls down."
"You'll bring them down if I don't."
"It's okay. He needs to know you won't shut the door once he gets inside. I'll go." I say.

Damon grabs a torch and starts walking in. I follow him. I use the flashlight to see. I hear a noise.
"What's that?" I ask.
"They can sense you."
"Great." I mutter.
"Where is she?" Damon asks running off.

I walk around trying to find him. I can hear them all around. I see their bodies everywhere. I trip and see one open their eyes. They're bright red. I stand up and see Anna standing there. I step back almost tripping again.
"Mother." Anna says running to her.

"I had Jeremy all ready to go to bring her back but..." She says grabbing me. She bites my wrist and I scream. She presses my wrist against her mothers mouth.
"Let her go!" Elena yells. Stefan pushes her off me while I stand up.

"Go!" Stefan says. Elena and I run.
"Elena. Elise." Bonnie says.
"Stefans right behind me." Elena says. Stefan doesn't walk out. "Stefan what are you doing?"
"It'll be okay. We'll fix it."
"Fix what?" I ask.
"The spells still up. We can't get them out.. yet."
"We can't leave him in there." I say referring to Damon.

"Even if we're able to break the seal, we won't be able to hold it for long." Grams says. Stefan turns around and walks back. I follow after him.

"She's not here!" Damon yells.
"What?" I ask.
"She's not here." Damon says much softer now.
"We have to go." Stefan says.
"It doesn't make sense they locked her inside."
"If we don't leave now we're not getting out."

I grab Damon's arm.
"Please, Damon. Let's go." I say. Damon looks at me softly before starting to walk.

We get out just as it closes.

I see Stefan and Elena hug while Damon leans against the wall.

We all walk out and I follow after Damon. I wrap my arms around him. He doesn't move.
"I'm so sorry." I whisper.

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