7. Stefan's Birthday

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I talked to the cops about what happened with Vicki. I had to lie. It hurt to lie about it. She was my sister and I cared about her.

Bonnie also showed Elena and I her magic. I'm not even surprised anymore, if vampires are real of course witches are. I'm just waiting for the day that we find out mermaids are too.

I'm getting ready for the party at the Grill. I put on a short but casual dress.

I walk in.
"No alchohol." Matt says to me as he walks around still on his shift.
"Party pooper." I say.

"You came." Caroline says excitedly as she walks over to me.
"Can't miss out on your parties now can I." I say making her laugh.

I see Elena looking over at Stefan, who is talking to a blonde girl. I walk over to her.
"Who's that?" I ask.
"Lexi. She's Stefan's oldest friend." She says.
"Vampire?" I whisper. She nods.
"Yeah, when I went over to Stefan's she opened the door in a towel."
"Now that's awkward." I laugh.

Stefan calls Elena over and she leaves me standing there all alone.

"Look who showed." Damon says walking over to stand next to me.
"Hi." I say.
"Drink?" He says offering me a shot.
"Yes, thank you. Matt's being all protective older brother and won't let me buy one." I explain before drinking it. He smiles at me.

"So this big plan of yours how's it going?" I ask.
"Bon Bon's complicating it quite a lot for me right now."
"I need her crystal."
"For what?"
"Magic." He says before downing his shot. "I'll be back."

He walks away and I watch him leave.

"Not you too." A voice says behind me. I turn and it's the blonde.
"Lexi right?" I ask. She nods.
"I don't know your name, though."
"Well, hello Elise." She smiles.

"Stefan's oldest friend, huh?" I ask. She smiles.
"Did Damon tell you?"
"Yes, well I asked."
"You asked?" She laughs.
"I caught on pretty quickly."
"And you didn't take off running, you must have it bad."
"Have what?"
"Damon. You must really like him."
"I do not." I say not even believing the words coming out of my mouth. She smiles at me sadly.

"He's not a good person, hun."
"Everyone keeps saying that, but he hasn't really done anything to me."
"He turned your sister." I look at her confused on how she knows. "Stefan caught me up."
"He apologized though."
"Really?" She asks shocked.
"He came over after I yelled at him and he apologized."
"Maybe, he just has a soft spot for you."

"But he wants another woman." I whisper.
"Ah, Katherine."
"Katherine? That's her name?"
"Hate that bitch. She turned Stefan and Damon, before she got killed along with the others." She explains.
"She's not dead."
"Damon said his plan has something to do with her. She's alive." I say. Lexi thinks for a moment.
"Weird." She mutters.

"You know, I'm glad I met you." I say.
"Likewise." She says. "When you turn, come and find me."
"What makes you think I'll turn?"
"You will." She says smirking.

She looks into the distance.
"I'll catch you later, okay?" She says standing up.
"Yeah." I say watching her walk away.

I walk over to Bonnie. We sit down and start to talk. Caroline stumbles over.
"Oh god." I mutter.
"Hiiiii." She says.
"You're drunk." Bonnie says stating the obvious.
"No. I barely drank." She says stumbling on her words. I laugh.
"I'll get you some water."

I get up and notice Sheriff Forbes looking around with some girl. I look at them confused. She points, I look over to see what she's pointing at. It's Lexi and Damon.

"Shit." I whisper. The other cops go over to them and Lexi starts to fall. They drag her out. I try to follow but the cops stop me.

"What's going on?" I ask. They shake their head. Damon grabs my arm pulling me away from them.

"Just stay in here." He says.
"No. What are they doing to her?" I ask.
"It'll be okay. Just stay inside." He says before running out.

I run to the side door and walk out. Stefan and Elena are there. I peer over the side and see Lexi going to attack Sherrif Forbes. Damon stakes her. Elena is about to run over but Stefan stops her.

Lexi's lifeless body falls to the floor.

I glance at Damon. He looks up and makes eyecontact with me. I step back before running back inside.

Matt's carrying Caroline.
"I'm taking her home." He says.
"I'll get a ride." I say. He nods and walks out.

I just stand there in shock.
"El-." Damon says next to me.
"Was that out of boredom too?" I ask. He sighs and shakes his head.
"No. They were suspecting us. I had to do it so they'd stop trying to find vampires." He whispers.
"You are so selfish." I whisper. He just stares at me. "I need to go."
"I'll give you a ride." He offers.
"No, Elena can take me."
"Stefan took her."
"Already left."

I look around for a familiar face. I don't see one I trust enough at the moment.

I follow him out to his car and get inside.

"I didn't want you to see that." He says.
"I don't know." He says honestly.

"You know, I hate you right?"
"No, you don't." He laughs.
"I do."
"You wouldn't have gotten in the car with me if you did."
"You wouldn't have given me a choice."
"I can't compell you."
"I still don't get that."

"Do you have a piece of jewelry you never take off?" He asks. I look down at my jewelry. Most of which I wear randomly. I notice the ring.
"This ring." I say. He glances down at it before looking back at the road.
"Where's it from?"
"This random antique store years ago." I say. "The lady said it was from a while back, I just thought it was pretty."
"Can we test it out when we get to your house?" He asks.
"Depends. I don't like you right now." I say noticing him smirk.

He gets to my house and Matt's car isnt there.

Damon follows me up to my room.

"Okay, take it off." He says.
"Wait, what are you gonna make me do?" I ask.
"I'm going to make you spin in a circle."

I take off the ring and set it down.

Damon looks into my eyes very carefully.
"Spin around three times." He says. Before I can even think I'm spinning.

I stop and look at him in shock.

He smiles before looking at me again.
"Answer this question truthfully. Do you hate me?" He asks.
"No." I answer before I can process. He smirks.
"Your compulsion is broken." I say putting my ring back on.

"Sure it is." He smiles.
"I hate you."
"You love me."
"Get over yourself." I say rolling my eyes feeling my face warm up.

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