How it began

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August 21 2086

Greetings. My name is Dr.P. I have been assigned 2nd in command in thunder science. Dr.K is my manager. He's pretty admirable. However, he only gets 3 hours of sleep due to his job. As you can imagine, he's kinda a coffee adict. So far we have just been checking on how to slow climate change. It is harder than expected, so it may take 30 or so years.

November 5 2086

Mr.P here. Turns out, for the past two months, an epidemic has started. This disease has already infected 60% of the earth's population. It just recently started to have symptoms. We made a discovery that it only kills humans. So we plan on putting elite humans in a bunker. Until then, we must find an alternative way to cure this. No matter what. Otherwise, humans will go extinct.

December 21 2086

We have made a goo that we have deemed "Latex." We just started testing it on other humans. They all melted into puddles. Just writing that makes my spine crawl. We are making stronger versions. However, I feel uneasy.
I guess I haven't gotten enough sleep. I have addressed this issue to Dr.K. he didn't let me go home. That makes sense... we are humanity's last hope.

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