Day drunk /-Joseph Quinn

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"babbeeee, what dress should I wear for the party tonight" I shout as I walk to the lounge room. I look up from my dress options and find Joseph sitting on the couch, holding an expensive bottle of champagne and a 38-year-old bottle of Cameron Bridge whiskey that we had purchased for my dad's birthday in a few weeks.

"Joseph babe, why have you got those out" he smiles at me, looking me up and down. I had completely forgotten that all I was wearing was nothing but one of his t-shirts and a simple pair of black panties. He quickly stands up, placing the bottles on the coffee table and walks straight for me, snaking his hands around my waist and once again looking me up and down." well babe, I would say what your wearing, but I'd be too jealous of all the guys staring at your bum all night "my eyes grow wide. I couldn't help but smack him lightly on his chest, which caused him to chuckle.

" but to answer your question of which dress, I say neither, and this is because we are not going to the party anymore " I look at him with sudden confusion" Joseph, what are you talking about? What do you mean we are not attending the party anymore" he starts to jump up and down like an excited little child he then skips over to the couch picking up the two bottle of alcohol" well Allie what I mean is we are going to stay home and drink these" I was now more confused than ever.

"Joseph Anthony Francis Quinn, there's no way in hell we are doing that. It's 8 in the morning, and I don't think your manager will be happy if we skip, and besides, you know that bottle of whiskey is for my dads birthday in a few weeks" my answer only causes him to chuckle, which upsets me a little "Joseph I'm glad you think I'm so funny" I huff

" Allie baby, come on, don't be upset. Listen, I already called my manager explaining to her you and I just need a day to ourselves as we won't get much time together when your back at work and I'm away filming. There's no need to worry about your dad will have a present. I ordered another bottle of the whiskey, which will arrive first thing on Monday, and my idea was I wanted to recreate our second date where all we did was sat in my hotel room and got day drunk."

I have to admit what he was trying to do was very sweet, but I still wasn't entirely convinced that this was a good idea " babe, I don't know about this ", Joe makes his way over to me and reaches out for my hand which I let him grab. We then make our way to the couch, and both take a seat, and Joseph makes sure Im facing him" come on, Allie, remember how much fun we had you didn't have to wear some fancy outfit or have to do your hair or makeup and I still even remember what you were wearing it was my old Nirvana shirt and oh yeah wore your hair in that messy bun you know I love and remember all we did that day was dance and drunk so much alcohol that made us not even care that we were  singing most of the words wrong to every song we listened to"

I was on the verge of tears, and I found it so cute how he remembered every last detail of that date. I stare into his dark brown eyes, which I think is what finally helped fully convince me. I swear those eyes could make me do anything

" Damit Quinn, your lucky I love ya, you goofball" I grab the bottle of whiskey, taking a reasonably big gulp before passing the bottle to him

"let's do this, Quinn. Let's get a little Day drunk."

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