Under my Umbrella /-Eddie Munson

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Sophia's p.o.v

" what the hell, Billy why are you doing this to me again you can't just leave me in the middle of nowhere. It's pouring down rain, and school is like four blocks away. I'll be late, " Billy chuckles at my sudden anger "sis, does it really look like I give a shit if your late or not from what I see, I have two choices I could give my dorky little sister a ride, or I could give  that gorgeous new girl Steph Parker a ride, and I think I'm gonna be a lot more happy with option two so sis get the hell out of my car so that I can  leave."

I quickly hop out of the car, slamming the door behind me before Billy leaves. He  rolls down the passenger side window "oh, and sis. I swear  if you tell dad about this, you will be walking to and from school for the rest of the year" and with that, he slams his foot on the accelerator and drives away causing a puddle to ricochet up and wet my entire outfit "uhhh wow fucking perfect" I look back to the road that leads to my house and then to the road toward schools I finally made  the decision that it was too far to walk  back, so I had no choice to walk to school in my soaking wet outfit

What a great start to the day.....

Eddie's P.o.v

" Dustin, where the hell is Steve he is already an hour late " Dustin shrugs my question off and gets distracted by something behind me " hey Eddie, look, it's Billy's sister, the one you have that major crush on. "I slapped my hand over Dustin's mouth, hoping she hadn't heard what Dustin said, which, thankfully, she was too far away before.

" shut the hell up, Dustin. "I look back to the sad-looking girl who slowly trudged through the pouring rain" Dust, why doesn't her brother drive her to school look at her. She looks so cold, and her clothes are soaking wet. This is like the 5th time this week I've seen her walking to school. He is such a fuck wit, " Dustin smirks at me " what " I say, giving him a questioning look. "Oh, nothing; why don't you grow some balls and go be that girl's knight in shining armour she is quite nice, and she knows who you are. She is also very pretty. I can see why you like her, Ed."

I looked at her and couldn't help but smile. She was beautiful, but she was also very smart. To be honest, I have secretly liked her since the 5th grade, but I was sure she had no idea who I was, and I knew for sure she wouldn't want to talk to some DnD freak because, like Billy, she was in the popular  crew

" Dustin, mate, what makes you think she wants help from someone like me I'm just the town freak who likes Dnd and is in some band, and she is, well, she is. I suddenly got tongue-tied, and distracted thinking about her Dustin brought me back to earth by patting me on the back. "Eddie, today is going to be your lucky day, HEY SOPHIA" I tried to cover Dustin's mouth, but it was too late. She turns around, staring at the both of us, looking a tad confused. I turn to Dustin, giving him an angry glare, but in return, he just gives me a grin" you got this, buddy",  he says while pushing me towards her.

I scratch the back of my head as we both just stand awkwardly. That's when I decide to grow some balls and actually talk to her "uh hey, I'm Eddie ", I say, stuttering. She giggles at my nervousness " hey Eddie, Im Sophia and Uhh, I kinda know who you are. "I look at her, and her face is now bright red " sorry, that sounded kinda stalkerish. I mean, Dustin has told me about you and your Dnd group. "I glance over at Dustin, who gives me a thumbs up" so, um, Billy made you walk to school again, I see " she raises an eyebrow at me, using the word again.

" I usually see you walking through the trailer park as I live just over there. May I just say your brother is a major dick " she doesn't say a word but instead just nods, and she then starts shivering uncontrollably, which made me feel even worse. I soon  came up with an idea" hey, Soph, I can see your cold, and your outfit is quite wet. If you want, we could go back to my trailer. I can give you some dry clothes " she shakes her head no " no no Eddie it's ok I'll be fine "she finishes her sentence and starts sneezing  that's when I put my foot down " Nope come to one Soph you will catch a cold  if  you stay in those clothe come on I insist."

She finally agrees, and we make our way over to the trailer, where we are greeted by Dustin standing at the front door " heyyy you guys, hey Sophia ", she waves " uhh dust, I'm just   gonna get Soph some dry clothes can you tell Steve to wait for us " he nods, and Sophia and I continue to make our way inside

I show her to my room where she can change, and before I close the door, I pass her an outfit that I hoped would be ok. "Uhh, so I picked these. I hope they are ok," she smiles, taking the outfit "it's perfect thank you again, Eddie."

(outfit  besides the boots)

A few minutes later, she came out wearing the outfit and seeing her in my clothes made my jaw drop"what" she said, giving me a questioning look

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A few minutes later, she came out wearing the outfit and seeing her in my clothes made my jaw drop"what" she said, giving me a questioning look. "No, No, it's nothing ", I stutter, which causes her to giggle, which made me smile, but it was now time for me to give her the bad news " so soph  Steve got tired of waiting, so he left, but I  have an Umbrella, and I'd be happy to walk you to school" she smiles " thank you, Eddie, I would love that."

We gather our things, and I grab the Umbrella opening it protecting us from the Rain "mlady", I place my hand out, helping her step down from the step, and  soon we are on our way to school" you know we are probably going to be late " she says I shrug my shoulders " I don't mind if you don't" nope I don't mind I hate school I don't really fit in" I was the one now giving her a questioning look " what do you mean  Soph your Popular everyone loves you " she shrugs  " I'm only  popular because of Billy I have nothing in common with those people Dustin is my only actual friend that enjoys what I enjoy" I look at her  and realise her, and I have more in common then I thought

" well, Soph, I don't know if you want to or not, but every Thursday night, I run a Dnd club called hellfire. You're welcome to join us, and you're welcome to sit with us at lunch " we Walked in silence for what felt like hours, but it was only a few minutes. I started to overthink what I had just asked her, but suddenly all those thoughts vanished when my spare hand is being grabbed by hers.

"Eddie, I would love to hang with you."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2023 ⏰

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