Vegetto's laughter

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3rd POV:

While Zamasu was boasting on whatever he was blabbing on about and crying mid sentence, Vegetto decide to do something that caught the spectators attentions, and of coarse, Zamasu.

Vegetto silently flys towards Zamasu and grabs both of Zamasu's arms, lifting his left hand higher than the other. Zamasu was startle from this and was about to complain about him being cut off, but Vegetto wiped off the tears from Zamasu.

Zamasu:"What is the meaning of this?! Let go you damn mortal!-"
Vegetto:"Shh, no need to cry, I'm here for you."
Zamasu already upset decides to finally look at Vegetto's face after trying to get away from his grasp. He felt a sense of security. Looking at Vegettos eyes, noticing how beautiful they looked; then looking down to his smile. It felt warm, like he felt some sort of relaxation and reassurance.

Zamasu's POV:

What is this feeling? Why do I feel so warm around him? Wiping my tears away and telling me that everything will be alright. My heart is beating faster by the second, it feels like I'm going to knock out... I want him to just pull me away and... n-no! He's just a dumb, stupid, hot, ningen mortal!-

3rd POV:

Zamasu's thoughts were quickly interrupted when Vegetto slowly leaned over for a kiss. Zamasu, already heavily blushing, blushed even harder, as his whole face turned a bright red. Zamasu then leaned forward to kiss Vegetto when all of a sudden...

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