Vegito's regret and Zamasu's revenge

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                                 The bad ending


While Vegetto was laughing and his back was turned. Zamasu made a spirit sword and strike Vegetto. Obviously, Vegetto had his guard up and evaded the attack. And quickly kicked Zamasu away.

Vegetto:"We're you seriously that butt hurt from that prank?"
Zamasu:"You..."Zamasu said grinding his teeth
Vegetto:"Dude, you drove humanity near extinction, stole kakarots body and murder his family with as him, and you wanted the gods to have a better place even though you murdered most, if not all-".

Vegetto could not finished his complaint when he suddenly unfused.

Goku:"W-wait, what the?!-"
Vegeta:"Huh? I thought we were supposed to stay fused for an hour!"
Goku:"That was only like 5 minutes!-"
Zamasu:"hehehe... hahaHAHAHA!" said Zamasu in an sinister laugh
Vegeta and Goku:"what the?" they said in unison while looking at the kai

Zamasu sped right through the two sayians and put both in a choke-hold position in each hand. Zamasu started to drag both of them through buildings and the ground. After both Vegeta and Goku were weakened to base form, Zamasu looked at the both of them with an unhinged smile and a sinister look from the eyes.

Zamasu:"NOW YOU'RE BOTH MINE!!" he said before quickly disappearing with Goku and Vegeta from sight.

No one seen or heard from Zamasu, Goku, and Vegeta since. For all anyone could know, Zamasu could have done anything to them. Kill them, torture them, or force them into unspeakable acts.

Vegito/Vegetto fake attempt | Vegito X Merged Zamasu |Where stories live. Discover now