Zamasu's hesitance

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Vegetto's POV:

I couldn't hold it in, it was too funny!
I then pulled back from Zamasu
Zamasu: H-huh?
Zamasu: W-what?

3rd POV:

Zamasu then started to cry once more but not for his beliefs, but because his heart was shattered in two. Vegetto than turned his back and continued laughing. Zamasu curled up slightly with his head lowering and slouching as tears started to drop from Zamasu's eyes. He then tugged on Vegetto's gi lightly trying to reel him towards him. Vegetto turned around still laughing to see Zamasu crying.
Vegetto:"Did I really hurt him that much? I kind of feel bad even though he did nearly drive humanity to extinction. I'll try to actually comfort him."
Vegetto:"Hey, I'm sorry, I didn't know it would've hurt you that much"
Vegetto:"So uhh... how's 'bout a-"
Zamasu then wrapped his arms around Vegetto and pulled him into a hug and began to cry a storm onto his chest. Vegetto just stood there and let it happen. He patted his back a few times until Zamasu actually pulled his head towards him for a kiss, but it was too late for Vegetto and they both made lip contact. Vegetto quickly pulled away wiping his lips.
Vegetto:"H-hey man! Both of my halves have a wife and kid(s)! You know what, we should settle this by continuing our fight!"
Zamasu wiped the tears of his face and got into a fighting stance followed by Vegetto doing the same.
Zamasu:"Th-then why did you do that?"
Vegetto:" it was just for goofs and laughs... listen man but I'm not into you that way"
Zamasu snapped and threw a punch towards Vegetto's face

The rest went similarly the same except for Zamasu hesitating and pulling his punches and kicks. Even at one point, Zamasu pulling on Vegetto's crotch.

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