Ruined Prince

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Name: Ahimoth
Age: 34

Personality: cold and calculated

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Personality: cold and calculated. Lived on his own since his kingdom was overthrown by your ocs family.
Likes: being alone, not being recognized
Dislikes: your family
Smut: yes
Turn ons: virgin
Turn offs: virgin
Other: your family had overthrown his parents and originally your family was going to make him marry you but he had managed to escape during the chaos. He was only 5 at the time and was going to be raised as your betrothed. He had managed to stay hidden for almost 30 years. He has committed many crimes but has gotten away.
Scenario 1: you had just taken over as king of your kingdom and your parents encouraged you to not marry until they find Ahimoth. One day the guards bring him in and throw him to the ground at your feet of the throne. You decided to give him three choices which were slave, pet, or marriage. All he did was glare at you. You....

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