One Shot

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The first time they met Harry is drooling by the beauty that is Cedric. Harry's nervousness not quite helping in the presence of the Hupplepuff.

Harry took the helping hand of Cedric the moment they landed at the field. He immediately goes to Hermione's side, slightly ignoring the Cedric Diggory just a meter away from him. They headed to the arena ahead and set up their tent before going to see the game.

The attack happened and they didn't have time to meet again. The school year starts and the Triwizard tournament was announced. Harry saw him again when he came to see Cedric, telling him about the first task. Cedric looked thankful, that's for sure and Harry left but was ambushed by the one and only Draco Malfoy.

Harry was talking to Hermione at the wooden bridge when Cedric called for him. Harry tried to leave but Cedric was having none of it.

Cedric was again thankful that Harry had told him about the dragons and now he's going to help Harry. Harry messed his hair out of habit, although this made Cedric distracted by how soft Harry's hair looked and couldn't help to brush his hand to the softest hair he had touched.

Harry gasped and shudder at Cedric's touch and Cedric blushed at the face Harry is displaying in front of him. He stopped touching Harry's hair and told him to take a bath at the prefect's bathroom and bring the egg with him. Even told Harry that he'll be waiting.

Cedric walked away, leaving the hot and bothered Harry alone at the bridge. Night came and Harry does what Cedric had told him. He goes to the bathroom and readied to take a bath. Removing his clothing, he lowered down on the water and relaxed. He eyed the egg but ignored it for the time being. He closed his eyes and and sat still at the corner when a sloshing sound of water was heard just right beside him. Alert, he grabbed his wand and pointed it to the newcomer but stopped when he saw Cedric's face in front of him.

He's close, too close for Harry's comfort but let Cedric beside of him. The bath was big, and Harry was wondering why of all places he should be beside Harry.

"Have you figured it out yet?" Cedric suddenly asked and Harry looked at Cedric's direction.

"No." Harry only replied before he looked down and saw the majestic body of the boy beside him. He gulped and looked everywhere but Cedric.

"You should open it under the water, it worked for me." Cedric told Harry and Harry nodded, grabbing the egg which is apparently quite far from his reach so stood up and grabbed it.

Remembering that he's not alone, he quickly sat down because he knows that he just made his ass face Cedric just now. Cedric chuckles at Harry's antic and slowly neared Harry. He touched Harry and the younger reacted to his touched. He smiled sweetly and ran his hands at Harry's back, slowly running it down making Harry shiver at his touch.

Harry faced the older one slowly, and touched his face. Driven by the heat of their bodies, Cedric slowly kiss Harry and touched his hips. Harry not knowing what to do, wrapped his hands around Cedric's neck, making them closer together. Cedric softly wrapped his hands on Harry's body and lifted him up to sit him at the corner of the bath. Kissing Harry's neck slowly inching downward, he grabbed the younger's cock and slowly beating it up and down. Harry moaned and whined at the pleasure that he felt and let Cedric do what he wants.

Harry gasped at the soft lips kissing his cock and looked down at Cedric who has put Harry's cock inside of his mouth. He loudly moan Cedric's name and it made the older much more excited and bobbed his head slowly making the younger gasp here and moan there again.

"Please." Harry's pleas was heard and Cedric suddenly stopped and looked at the younger one. Drool all over his gaping mouth, his face displays the ecstasy Cedric knows he's given. The emerald eyes of Harry Potter looked his way and another plea again came out his mouth.

Cedric whispered a spell at Harry's ear and he gasped at the sudden feeling of his ass. He can feel his inside loose and slick and he moan at the sudden feeling.

Cedric had lined up his lubed up cock in Harry's hole and kissed Harry to distract him from the possible pain he will feel. Harry couldn't help but whimper at how big Cedric is but instead of pushing him or telling the older to stop he pulled him closer and shouted.

Cedric waits for Harry to get used to his size but not even a minute later Harry thrusted into Cedric's cock and the older gasped. The older moaned Harry's name and Harry happily thrusted his ass to Cedric's cock again.

Cedric slammed his dick and Harry moaned loudly, twitching because of the sudden thrust and the bundle of nerves that was hit just a moment ago. The older slammed hard and fast, making Harry lose his mind to the pleasure Cedric is making him feel.

Cedric slammed faster and Harry moans at how rough Cedric has gotten, but loved it anyway.

He knows he's close, voiced it out to Cedric who grunted and even slammed harder inside Harry who gasped and sputtered at the tiles clearly trapped in ecstasy.

Harry came when Cedric slammed hard on his prostate making him come in his stomach and Cedric came at the sudden tightness Harry had sported when the younger orgasm.

Resting for a bit, they laughed and talked. Cedric cleaned up the body of the tired Harry Potter and showed him how to get the clue from the egg.

"Thank you." Harry said and smiled softly at the older. Cedric only smiled and place a kiss on the younger's forehead. "Wait - what about Cho?" Harry asked, he didn't want to destroy a relationship just like theirs.

"Not really together, she's a friend and helped me get rid of the people who wants my ass." Cedric laughed and Harry felt relieved at the news.

The second task came and does the third one, it was going smoothly. They were planning to be both winner for the Hogwarts but the cemetery which they landed by the portkey was what made them confused. Aren't they supposed to be at the stadium? Where are they?

Harry saw Peter Pettigrew at the distance and a voice was heard.

"Kill the spare."

Wormtail aimed his wand at Cedric and the Killing Curse was already heading to his direction.

"No!!" Harry shouted as he saw the lifeless body of Cedric falling in the ground. He couldn't believe it. Why Cedric? Why not just Harry?!

He was suddenly bound to the statue and he couldn't get his eyes away from the dead body of his lover, tears were flowing from his eyes down to his cheeks.

He ignored what's happening and only whimpered silently when Wormtail cut his arm. His lover, Cedric, is dead. He wailed and wailed not bothering to look at Voldemort but the villain was having none of it and touched his lightning bolt scar. He howled at the pain that he felt at the hands of his enemy but he still feels numb. He was freed from the statue and he grabbed his wand, in pain from the Cruciatus curse that Voldemort aimed at him from just now. He hid behind the nearest tombstone but faced Voldemort again and aimed a disarming charm at You-Know-Who. Blue wisps came out of their spells and Cedric's soul materialize from it. Even his mother and father came out of their spells. He was given instructions by his parents and when they were done he looked at Cedric's way.

"Take my body with you, take my body to my father. I love you, Harry. Whatever happened here is not your fault and I'll always be with you."

"I love you too, Cedric." Harry couldn't help but cry when he ran up to the dead body of his lover and acciod the Cup to him. Landing infront of the students, staffs and visitors of Hogwarts.

He loudly cried, and told them the return of Voldemort. He hugged the body of Cedric and broke down even more.

"I love you." He said to the dead Cedric of his arms, even with others with him, repeatedly.


Everyone can see and hear how much pain he feels in the middle of it. Amos Diggory even let himself weep silently, because he knows about the relationship between the two and he knows how much love they felt for each other.


Oh my god... I'm actually crying while making this so I was not really thinking about the mistakes that I've made but only to the fucking angst at the end.

Damn.. Lost Love indeed.

Lovelots guys~


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