Act I - Chapter 10

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Rose awakens from a short rest healed of her wounds to a note and bag of gold on her nightstand. "I healed your wounds, but I can't restore your spent ether. Take it easy for the day. From Helen". The other note reads, "This is your reward for finishing the mission. From Lord Azor."
"What to do... Don't have a whole lot of ether so maybe I should take Helen's advice and take it easy. I guess I should check in on our new friends."
Getting up from her bed, she fixes her hair, changes into her usual clothes, takes her reward and heads out of her room.
She enters into an unusually dirty foyer filled with many small voices. She looks around, past the dirty footprints on the floor to see several children in the halls talking amongst themselves.

"OK kids. Stay here and listen to Ms. Helen. She'll get you all cleaned up while I go get the rest of the gang."
She hears Vuella say this as she walks out from the group of children, heading towards the front door.
"Ah, Rose. You're awake? I thought you'd be out longer than a few hours, but it seems you're doing fine."
"Yeah, Helen healed me but I still wouldn't say I'm at one hundred percent yet. Aside from that, what's happening in here?"
"We're moving the kids into the palace. On that topic, can you help me move a few things?"
"Sure, but I have to do something while we're out first."
"Is this the shop?"
Vuella says while pointing to a middle-aged shopkeep at a fairly large fruit stand in the town market.
"Yep. I kinda owe him something. You don't have to come with me to talk to him, I'll be quick."
Vuella waits around the corner within earshot of the fruit stand, while Rose approaches the stand. Upon seeing her, the man instinctively tries to cover his products with his hands to stop Rose from stealing, but she throws her hands up instead. "Whoa there sir, I'm not going to take anything this time. Hopefully, I don't have to steal anything anymore."
"So then what are you here for? Knowing you, you aren't going to buy anything. Scram!"

"Do you remember the last thing I said to you before I was arrested? I said if I got some money soon, I'd pay you back twice as much. So here it is." She says handing him several gold coins, noteworthily more than the cost of the apples. The man is stunned. When she said it before her arrest, he thought of it as a simple banter from an overly talkative thief, and that it wasn't meant to be taken seriously. He could now see he was wrong. He then takes the gold and she turns around to walk back to Vuella. "Thank you young lady. What's your name?"
"My name is Rose A-... Just Rose."
"It's nice to officially meet you Rose. Before you leave, can I ask why you paid me back?"
"Oh it's nothing really. My mom taught me to always pay what I owe whenever possible. I owed you for the apples, but I also owe you more than I could tell you right now."

She gives him a smile and walks off to meet Vuella. After meeting back up with her, they proceed to the orphanage.
Once they arrive, they overhear what sounds like animal noises coming from inside. Vuella turns to Rose and puts a finger over her mouth, signaling her to be quiet as they enter.

As they walk in, all of the children are sitting on the floor with their backs turned to the door while Velajuel is facing them, as well as the door. He sees them and gives them a wink. Rose's confusion shows itself on her face while Vuella gives him a thumbs up. She begins to ready what looks like a ball of fire in her hand and throws it above the children. At the same time, the animal noises that filled the room began to change into howling wind that culminated in the center of room above the children's heads, along with the fireball. At its climax, the ball explodes and disperses itself into small flames that flicker out seconds after the explosion. As dangerous as it might seem to do this indoors, it was a beautiful display for both Rose and the children. As the show concludes Velajul gives an exaggerated bow, followed by him pointing out Vuella and Rose in the back of the room. "Look who's here! Vuella's back and she brought a friend with her."
"Hey guys! Told ya I was coming back soon. Now then, who's ready to see the new house?"
The children erupt in excitement as they scramble to grab their things.
"Before I forget, this is our new friend Rose. Treat her like you would treat anyone of us."
A collective, "Yes ma'am", comes from the crowd of kids.

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