Act II - Chapter 3

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Disclaimer (Continuity): This chapter heavily references event(s)/character(s) in the collaborative work, All in or Die (AIOD) by u/kraha37. Though both our works can be read independently from each other, the continuity still stands and will be utilized. This disclaimer's purpose is to warn and to clear any confusion of readers that may arise from the referenced event(s)/character(s).

Hey, how’s the trip going? You do anything crazy yet?”

Rose jolts awake.

Oh, I guess it's morning already. I'm doing fine so far. I'm about to head to the capital of Raske to talk to Lord Therius.

"Really?! So what exactly are you doing? Did Hiro's notes say something about this, or was it Lord Tyrol's plan?"

It was more so Mr. Hiro's plan. This is basically what happened…

Rose fills Vuella in on Hiro's plan and what all happened in Kennis as she packs up a few of her things and gets ready to leave.

"So how're you getting there? A horse and a cart like last time, or does Lord Tyrol have some kind of magic item or spell to get you to Raske?"

Funnily enough, neither. This time, I'm walking.


Yes, walking, and will you stop thinking at me so loud?!

"My bad, I didn't think I was shouting."

Well, you were, and now I have a headache.

"You're welcome! But seriously, why walk? Wouldn't it be quicker to ride something?"

Lord Tyrol says it'll help with training. Using ether is the quickest way to get stronger, so repeatedly draining myself should help. He also said that with Hyperspeed, I move faster than a horse drawn cart, so it should also be faster this way as long as I don't take too many breaks.

"That makes sense. Sort of… Seems like a bit much, but if you’re fine with it, go ahead.”

“Rose? Have you finished packing yet?" Faust calls out to her.

"Almost! I'll be out in a minute!" She calls back to him through a crack in her door.

Gotta go! I’ll speak with you again when I make it to Raske.

She carries a small suitcase and a satchel packed with a few changes of clothes and survival and navigation items.

After speaking with Faust briefly, she leaves the palace. On her way out, she admired the palace's technological advancements that Kennis. Automatic doors, 'digital' clocks, horseless carriages, and more, all powered by magic. Magic circles of varying sizes were required to put a magic system into place and have it become automated. This was most prominent in the capital, but even in smaller towns and settlements, magic was still a prevalent energy source.




Okay. Lord Tyrol said it should only take me three days to get there. Time to take off.

On her first day of travel, she sprinted for six hours straight before stopping to rest. Of the few things to take note of, she realized that during hyperspeed, her need for food and sleep is reduced. She had never noticed because she normally used it in short bursts rather than an extended period of time. She was physically fine, but ether reserves had gotten to 20% or so and she wanted to save it for a potential emergency.

After resting and regaining most of her ether back, she continues her journey. While significantly ahead of schedule, she encounters the massive mountain range on the easternmost border of Raske dubbed the Heights. There were only two passageways through it and climbing them was out of the question.

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