Chapter 2

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AN: I'm in school rn and I'm so bored so I decided to write.



It has been a few days since my little episode. My team still isn't speaking to me since they think that it wasn't fair that I got the captain position. I mean I know that Andy deserved it, but seriously they all are acting so childish.  I go out of my office to see what everyone is doing, and I see them all at the breakfast table eating.

"You want anything, captain?" Ben asked me.

"no, I'm good." of course that was a lie I was starving, but I have put on a little weight and needed to lose it.

"You haven't eaten anything the whole day" I hear Ben say again.

" Seriously Warren, mind your own business," I said loudly as I stormed off.

I couldn't believe anyone had seen me crying. When I returned to my office I was in tears by the time I comprehended what had happened. I reached into my bag and took out my regular razor. I exposed my shoulders by rolling up my sleeves. 1, 2, 3, 4. My aggressiveness grew as my vision became foggy. I hear the same knock once more. But I lost the energy to stand up. I started crying. I only saw Carina racing in.

"oh no what did you do Maya?!" she said. 'we have to get you to the hospital" as the took off her shirt to apply pressure on my shoulder.

"No, no please no hospitals. PLEASE" I screamed.

"Okay, okay, no hospitals," she said calmly.

I blacked out. I was lying on the couch in my office when I woke up once more. Carina entering the room and assisting me was the last thing I could recall. I became anxious. Carina, though, managed to make me feel better. That someone had seen me in that condition made me feel really ashamed and disappointed in myself.

"I am so sorry," I said.

"There is nothing to be sorry for," said Carina. "are you okay?" 

"I'm fine," I said.

"no, you are not," she said

" I said I'm fine just drop it," I screamed. I felt bad after all she did for me I am acting like a bitch.

All of a sudden I hear a page. Carina apologized and left the room. I started to cry. I was so disappointed in myself. I felt as though I have disappointed my father too. All I ever did, was for him to be proud of me. I never even noticed the abuse I went through. It's not like he hit me all the time only sometimes, but those times that he did hit me it would hurt like hell.


I finished second place and was slower than last time. It wasn't my fault though my ankle was badly hurting. I tried telling my father but he didn't listen.

"second place, really" he screamed.

"I'm so sorry dad, but I told you my ankle was hurting"

"I don't want to hear your excuses, just wait till we get home," he said loudly. 

Oh shit, I didn't know what was going to happen to me when we got home, but I knew it was going to be good.

We just arrived home and I ran to my room. all I could hear was my father yelling after me. I locked my door, I was so scared. I heard footsteps going up the stairs. And my father yelled for me to open the door. I dint open it. He started kicking it. And soon after the door broke. I froze, tears running down my cheeks. I could feel my father's hand slapping me hard, very very hard. Then he started to kick me on my stomach. And once again I felt a fist on my cheek. Then I blacked out.

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