chapter 6

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After I stormed out of the room, I ran to the closest supply room. I shut the door and started crying. I just didn't even think about anything or anyone, just cried. Until I heard a voice.
"Hey Carina, you okay, just calm down"
It was Meredith. Me and Meredith have gotten close the past few months. So she knew I was struggling and actually helped me a lot of times. I have helped her too. So as soon as she saw me she rushed to me. She didn't say anything, she didn't ask anything just held me while I cried. Few minutes passed and I felt a sharp pain in my thighs, shit, not again. Meredith noticed.
"You did it again?" She asked,
"I didn't know what to do, I'm such a mess I'm so sorry,"
"Hey, hey, calm down okay, have you talked with someone about this?" She asked. I shook my head no.
"Okay, let's gets you cleaned up.
I let her, she has been the only one that noticed my struggles and the only one that cared and listen to me cry. Since I was in the floor, I didn't have the strength to stand up. After Meredith got the thing, she asked me if I was okay with her taking off my pants, I nodded. As she took of my pants, she saw all the blood and the scars on my thighs. But didn't say anything, she carefully cleans me up. She knew what she was doing, since she had done the same thing to herself. So I trusted her, I would trust her with my life.
"You okay?"
"I'm fine"
"Carina I'm really worried about you, maybe you should tell your girlfriend" said mer.
"I don't have a girlfriend" I said confused.
"Oh isn't Bishop your girlfriend, I really thought you two where a thing." I say no,
"Well maybe you should ask her out I mean you two look so cute together, if I think you two where a thing than image all the other people",
"Ether way I think you should tell her" mer finished.
What if Mer is right, I mean I help Maya every day so maybe she can help me too, but is that selfish?

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