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Prompt: Having a cute picnic with Logan
Warnings: Swearing, but that's to be expected with Logan.
Logan walked down the stairs, stopping to hold you better on his back. Neither of you had any classes today, so Logan decided to treat you to a nice picnic in the estate gardens.
The only probably was that you wouldn't wake up.
Logan had woken up early with a basket of food, wine, and your favorite chocolates. He dressed in his best (according to you) leather jacket and boots.
Only to find you asleep.
"Goddammit, (Y/N)." Logan whispered, kneeling by your bed. The food was going to get ruined in the sun if you didn't get up soon.
"(Y/N)," Logan hummed, kissing your forehead,"Wake up, babe."
You groaned, turning toward him and pulling on his jacket."Cuddle?"
He chuckled, "Not unless you get the fuck up and come with me."
You groaned even louder, flailing your arms in the bed. "Can walk, carry me."
Logan laughed, pulling off your blanket and picking you up, only to set you back on your feet. "Clothes, sweetheart. Not going outside without clothes."
You sighed, rubbing your eyes and quickly changing into black shorts and a (F/C) tank top. You probably would have been embarrassed changing in front of Logan, but in your sleep-addled state you really didn't care.
As soon as you had your shoes on, Logan had picked you up and slung you across his back. You cried out, clinging to the Wolverine and hiding your face in his neck.
That's where you were now, being carried by Logan across the front lawn. A group of students was already perched in the sun, tanning and laughing. Logan waved and they sat up to wave back, the ruder preppy ones whispering to each other. You simply ignored it, trying uselessly again to let Logan put you down.
Logan walked for a few minutes, weavi mg between trees until you saw a gorgeous hollow. A giant Oak tree loomed over all the others, branches intertwined and sunlight filtering through. The ground was soft and bright green, and in the center of the area was a blanket set evenly on the ground, basket and wine bottle sitting a top it. Logan set you down, and you pulled him close for a kiss.
"Logan..." You were speechless. This was by far the kindest thing anyone had ever done. "This is...amazing! How did...?"
The Wolverine smiled, sitting down and pulling you into his lap. "Rogue told me about it, she and Bobby came here for a date once. I thought you'd like it."
You smiled, "I do, Logan, I really do. It's beautiful, thank you."
You kissed Loagn again, cradling his face in your hands. He pulled away after a few seconds. "I fuckin' love you."
"I fuckin' love you too. Now enough sap, I'm hungry."

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