{Chapter four}

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I was laying face in the bed when I heard a knock on the door. "(Y/n) ?" Thor called out from outside the door. What is he doing here ?. "Yeah ?" I called out from my bed. "May I come in ?" I get up from my bed, groaning as I walked over to the door, opening it. My hair a mess. "What is it ?"

"My brother didn't say anything that upset you did he ?" Thor asked, worry on his face. I gave him my biggest smile. "Nope, don't worry ! You don't need to worry Thor." He let out a sigh of relief. "That's good. Tony wants you down." I scratched my head. "Alright, I'll be down in a minute." He nodded and left. I closed the door and headed to the closet. I opened it grabbing clothes, I went into the bathroom and took my clothes off.

Stepping into the shower, I turn it up to a high temperature and turned it on. The warm water flows onto my skin, I turned the shower off and grabbed the shampoo, rubbing it into my hair before washing it out again. Doing the same with conditioner. I quickly used body wash then turned the shower off getting out.

I wrapped a towel around my body and dried it off as well as my hair. Changing into my clothes I picked out, being a band T-shirt, and black jeans with doc martens. I brushed my hair and put it up in a half up, half down. "Alright. All ready." I took a deep breath before leaving my room, and down the stairs.

Going into the meeting room I see Tony, sat down on the couch. "You wanted me, sir ?" He looked up. "Ahh, (Y/n). Yes. I spoke to Thor about how well you were able to handle Loki. So we want to put you in charge of getting information from him."

I stared at him eyes widened. "You want....me to. Get him to trust me ?" He patted the seat next to him. I sat down and he continued. "Correct. That is what we all have agreed too. He doesn't know you like he knows us. You are a new.....well toy to him." My heart sank at that. I know that I'm not just a toy to Loki. He's my soulmate for gods sake but I can't tell anyone that. Especially not Tony.

"Okay. If you believe I'm the best person for this. Will you be watching ?"

"Of course, or do you want to be talking to him alone ?" I nodded. "I would be able to focus better if I knew you weren't watching over me." He sighed, I knew that he didn't like the idea of me doing this alone. But I can't let them know about well anything. "Okay fine. But report to whoever you see once you leave him okay ?" I nodded.

"Will do, thank you for trusting me." He flicked his hand away. "Now go, you have a job to do." I nodded and walked down the hallway to the door. Taking a deep breath, I open the door. It closing behind me when I walk in. Looking at the cage I saw Loki sitting on the floor his eyes closed. I tip toed over to the cage. Placing my hands on the glass I smile looking at him.

"I can feel you looking." Loki opened his eyes and looked at me smirking. I recoil from the glass, blushing. "I wasn't looking what are on about." He got up and walked over to the glass where I was. "Oh really, Princess ?" I looked at him, well glared at him. "I'm supposed to get information out of you. Regarding your Scepter. Well more importantly the mind Stone."

His smirk left his face. "Why are you telling me this ?" I frowned placing my hand on the glass. "Because yes you are the bad guy, but you are my soulmate Loki. I'm not just going to let them take away the man that I'm supposed to be with for the rest of my life." He sighed, placing his hand on the glass where mine is.

"You really are an interesting mortal, you know that (Y/n) ?" I smirked. "I try my best. May I you know...give you a hug ?" I asked, scratching my neck. "You have already hugged me, Princess. No need to ask." I laughed and walked over to the tablet.

I opened the cage, Loki stepping back. I walked in and stood in front of him. "You know. Maybe being your soulmate is going to be amazing."

"Oh really ?" He asked, a smirk visible on his face. "Yeah. Now." I wrapped my arms around him, hugging him. Him wrapping his arms around me. I sighed, resting my head on his chest. "I don't want them to hurt you for answers." He sighs. "Look at me, (y/n)."

I looked up at him. "You hardly know me, dear it's only been a day and yet. Here you are." I laughed. "Loki, you are my soulmate. Pretty sure when you meet your soulmate you are automatically attached to them, right ?"

"That would explain my fondness off you. I take that my brother is concerned for your welfare ?" I nodded. "Yep, he came knocking on my door this morning, asking if you said anything that upset me. But it didn't."

Loki looked at me, contemplating what to say. "Well, I didn't really say anything harsh now did it ? You are my soulmate, why would I ever harm you ?" He said taking a step back from the me and bowing slightly. "Loki you don't have to bow." I laughed slightly, a smile creeping through." He smirked and stood back up. "It made you smile though, didn't it ?"

I sighed and grabbed his hand. "What are you-" I held up up and intertwined our fingers. "This is nice." I muttered, looking at our hands. I heard him let out a slightly chuckle, pulling me by my hand, I trip and fall on his chest. I felt his hand leave mine, and wrap around my waist. I looked at up him. "I look forward to falling harder for you, princess."

A smirk showing on his handsome face. "Me too." I took his arms off or me. "Aww, are you leaving already ?." I rolled my eyes and left the cage, I clicked the tablet and the cage closed. "You know I can't stay that long. They'll get concerned. I got them to not check on me. So I can't ask them for more."

He sighs once more and goes to the glass, placing his hand in it. "At least come visit me tonight ? It gets so lonely in here." I smiled and walked over, placing my hand where his is on the glass. "I promise I will. Also Loki ?" My gaze fixated on him.

"Yes, princess ?"

"Do you want me to break you out ?"


Dun dun dunnnnnn. Will y/n break him out ? I know this is going quite slow and fast at the same time. But yeah, I don't actually have a set plan for this book like I never do for every one. Love y'all !!!

Colours:;Soulmates (Loki Laufeyson x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now