{Chapter Three}

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I passed back and forth in my room, debating if I should go back in. Taking a deep breath I stoped outside the room, the place in darkness. I tip toed out to the door and opened it closing it slowly and quietly.

"Ahh and you have returned, Princess ?" I turned around and looked at him, fuck why is he so hot. "Hello to you too Loki." I slowly walked closer to him. He smirked and leaned onto the glass. "And what are you doing here ?" He asked his interest peaked into why I was here. "You know why I'm here." I stated, walking over to the glass. "And what is it ?" He asked, looking directly at me. I felt my body heat up. Goddamn, why must Thor's brother be hot ?

"I want to know my soulmate." I said backing away and to the tablet thing that lets you control the sell. "Ohh~ you want to get to know me, princess ?" I nodded. "Yes, and I have a name, so call me it Loki." He smirked. "Feisty, I like that." I felt my cheeks head up and I glared at him. "Shut up or I will leave you alone."

"You think that me, Loki ? God of mischief will be sad if you leave ?" He laughs. "And here I thought I would get a smart soulmate." I could feel myself getting madder at the second. "Why the fuck are you my soulmate ? I don't understand it."

He shrugs, his body leaning on the glass, yet again. "I don't know, Princess but one thing for sure..." he said, as his eyes looked at me up and down, clearly loving what he's looking at. "I'm not mad about it. You may be a bitch, but you're a hot bitch. So you'll be worth it." He said, smirking again. When will that smirk leave his goddamn face. "Is that how it's going to be ? Then I'll tell them."

His smirk was gone, it was replaced by a look of curiosity. "You do that, (Y/n). I want to see my dear brothers face when he finds out that one of his team members is my soulmate." I looked at him, studying his face to see if I could find any hint of a lie, and no. His face and voice showed genuinely that he truly does want to know.

I stood that for a moment before moving my hand to the tablet. "If I were to open the glass cage, to be able to face you closer would you not escape ?" I asked, scared yet excited to do this. He placed his hand on his heart, looking at me. "You have my word." I hesitated for a bit before opening the cage. And true to his word he didn't move one inch. I slowly entered the cage, walking closer to Loki.

"You look...even more handsome up close.." I muttered, getting closer. "Like what you see, (y/n) ?" He smirked, I mentally slapped myself for saying that out loud. "S-shut up. This is just for a test." He looked at me, confused. "What ?" I stepped forward, getting real close and wrapped my arms around him. His body stiffed at first. His hands still by his side. "What are you..." he let out a sigh, and hugged me back. His hug was warm, and actually really nice. Not what you would expect from someone trying to rule the world for bad.

My small frame fitted perfectly in his tall slender one. The hug felt different from the others. One thing for certain is that, I can't deny it. This man is my soulmate and now that I found him. The feelings for my soulmate will rise and be impossible to hide. So I have to tell the others. Don't I ?. I sighed into the hug. I pulled away, to see that Loki was actually slightly flustered. "O-oh"

"You will not tell my brother about this incident okay ?" I nodded. "O-okay....would we be able to do this more ?" I asked, the confidence in me coming out. He was surprised. "Do what ?"

"Talk, maybe hug. Get to know each other. We are soulmates. Our feelings will become impossible to hide, so let's at least keep the peace of us being able to hide it from them for a little bit and not tell them ?" I asked, looking down. After some silence he spoke up. "I would like that, Princess." I looked up at glared at him again, he was smirking. I am going to have to grow to love that smirk. "W-well I have to go now so....see you tomorrow night." I said hurriedly getting out and closed the door. I left the room without looking back.

If my beating heart was any indication, the process of my feelings getting worse is happening. I'm going to fall in love Loki, and I don't know if I'm ready for that yet.


Chapter three is finally here !! I'm so so sorry for the wait, just thought to mention that Loki will probably be slightly OCC now and then as that can't be helped. But I hope you are ready, as the story with you and Loki growing closer behind the others back is just beginning !!

Colours:;Soulmates (Loki Laufeyson x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now