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"How basic," I cackle, cracking the code to his phone. I never thought it would be this easy. God, what a dummy.

Well, technically I shouldn't be giving all the credit to myself. But then again, it was me who made all the efforts. It took a bit of planning and time to get Jayden to befriend one of the familiar-looking-six-foot-tall-brunette's friends, Mark, and ask him about his phone's passcode without it seeming iffy. Jayden being Jayden, though, and me being my impatient self, yeah let's just say we rushed it.

The Mark guy was pretty dumb though, considering he didn't realize something was most definitely off. Jayden ended up threatening him with something he refuses to tell me (and I don't care because I got what I wanted) and scaring the guy to death.

It didn't shock me when I saw Luca Morris earlier today strolling the halls of the very school I study at. No wonder it was as if I'd seen him before. I hadn't realized I even shared a couple of classes with him up until today. Then and there, I decided I would do anything to get that vile photo of mine erased from the face of earth. And for that, I required dimples' phone.

Only I was aware of the lengths I would've gone to retrieve what I so greatly desired.

Here I am, hidden in a corner of the corridors, and I'm a woman on a mission: deleting the ugliest photo known to mankind.

And okay, maybe, a bit of snooping around.

I open the photos app first, scrolling around unnecessarily, looking for something exciting to airdrop to myself. Sadly I find it empty, save from four pictures: one of a cat, one of a glorious sunset, one that's probably homework. The last one though, it catches my eye.

Glad my hideous face isn't anywhere to be seen in his gallery, I tap on the last picture because curiosity gets the best of me.

I make out the silhouette of a girl, but the photo's too dark. I turn up the brightness, and just when I can almost identify the person in the picture-

"Manners down the drain, Kameron?" Luca's deep voice has my eyes widening.

Reflexively, I hold the phone above my head, panicked. Adrenaline courses through my veins at the sight and sound of him. I can hear my pounding heartbeat in my ears. He raises a brow questioningly and takes a step closer to me, and gently tugs the device out of my loose fingers like it was a piece of cake.

His face is so close to mine, it does weird things to my mind. I can't think of anything but his face. Which makes sense because his face is all I see considering the little distance between us. Someone really should teach him not to invade others' personal space. Not that I mind-

For god's sake, Aubrey.

Both his eyes are searching both my eyes, a smirk playing on his lips. They're so pink, it's almost blinding. Apart from being so pink, they're also very close to me. I can't help but stare at them. Why the hell does he have such soft looking lips? Shit I shouldn't be thinking about the guy's lips.

He clears his throat to grab my attention and that has me brought back to reality.

I blink thrice. Realize my arms still up in the air. Bite the inside of my cheek as the embarrassment kills me. Then let my arm down by my side.

Freaking hell, I'm such a fool.

God, I'm so bad. So damn bad.

He grins so widely and I hate him so much for it. Being slightly tall really does take a toll on you. I really thought holding the phone up would make it out of his reach. Out of the reach of his entire six foot being. I may be taller than most females, but my height is most definitely no comparison to his motherfreaking six feet.

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