Your Finally Mine

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When they finally broke apart, Rainbow reached up to remove her goggles, revealing magenta eyes filled with hope. "Fluttershy, before you say anything else, just give me an answer: do you love me?"

"Rainbow..." she replied softly, a smile on her face and wings on her heart. "I love you. I have for a long time now."

The hope changed quickly to joy, followed by confusion. "Then why...?"

"I... I don't know," Fluttershy replied, shaking her head. "I... I never wanted to admit it to myself for the longest time, and when you said you loved me, I... got scared..."

Rainbow was silent for a moment. A touch of hurt crept into her eyes as she spoke. "...Am I that scary to you?"

"No!" Fluttershy cried. "You don't scare me at all. I... sometimes I'm scared of myself. Scared of what other ponies think of me. Scared of so many things... I'm sorry, Rainbow." She sniffled slightly, her head drooping once more. "I-If you don't want to be with me because of that, I'll understand..."

There was a moment of silence before she heard some shuffling coming from Rainbow's direction, followed by the feeling of something sliding into her tangled mess of a mane. She started, and looked up to see a soft smile on Rainbow's face as her hoof slowly withdrew. Fluttershy carefully reached up to the new object, carefully extracting it and bringing it up so she could see it.

Her eyes widened as she found herself holding a jeweled hair clip in the shape of a butterfly. Amazingly crafted, the butterfly itself was made of pale rose-colored gemstones, with glittering white diamonds for accents. The stones themselves we set in a finely spun web of pale gold, almost exactly the shade of Fluttershy's coat. "Oh, Rainbow, it's beautiful," she breathed.

Rainbow blushed slightly at the praise. "Yeah, I thought so too," she replied. "Took a bit of my savings and I had to borrow from Rarity to get it in time. I... I hoped you'd like it..."

"I love it," Fluttershy replied, hugging her close. "Thank you, Rainbow. I love you." She marveled at how easy the phrase rolled off her tongue, and she said it once again, as if to test the feelings the words brought out of her. "I love you."

"I... I love you too," Rainbow replied, before she suddenly stiffened in Fluttershy's grip. "Flutters? What happened to your flank?"

Confused, Fluttershy released Rainbow, turning to look back at her flank. "What do you mean? Nothing happened..." Her voice trailed off as she noticed three deep cuts resembling claw marks on her left flank, right where she'd felt the sharp pain earlier that night. Pain that was even now registering in her mind once again as she noticed the blood slowly dribbling down her leg. "Ah... ow..."

After all she'd been through that night the sight of those wounds was the final straw. Her eyes rolled up in her head, and the last thing she heard was Rainbow's panicked voice calling to her as she fell into darkness.

Slowly, Fluttershy awoke to a feeling of comfort and security, very different from the cold and fear she'd felt earlier. Eventually, she opened her eyes, only to find that instead of the Everfree Forest or even Twilight's castle, she was back inside her own cottage, lying on her couch and covered with a warm quilt. Confused, she looked around the room, wondering if the events of that night had been but a dream, when her gaze landed on the snoozing forms of Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie lying on a blanket on the floor in front of her hearth. A fire was merrily burning in an effort to ward off the chill spring air following the storm, casting a flickering light across the sleeping pair.

She gently shifted herself in an effort to get a little more comfortable, and the movement revealed two things: One, her flank still hurt from the cuts she had received, and two, there was a warm weight resting up against her that she hadn't expected. Her head shot up to find that she had been laying her head on a curled up Rainbow Dash, using her flank as a pillow. Blushing mightily, she scrambled up to a sitting position, her sudden movement waking her unexpected bedmate.

"Huh...?" Rainbow said, opening her bleary eyes and looking up at Fluttershy. "Whazzat...? Oh, hey, Flutters," she said with a jaw-cracking yawn. "How're you doing? Feeling better?"

"Rainbow?" she said, still blushing. "What...? How...? What are you doing here?"

Rainbow chuckled. "You passed out in the forest," she said. "I had to carry you back home and find the others before they all got lost. Twilight and Applejack managed to get you all patched up, but you were still out, so we all just kinda stayed. Rarity and AJ are upstairs." She shrugged apologetically. "Sorry, Rarity insisted AJ get the bed. Something about 'her condition,' I guess."

Fluttershy slid the blanket aside, inspecting her bandaged wounds. Seeing them in the soft light of the fire as opposed to the darkness of the rainy forest, they appeared smaller than she'd originally thought. Though whether that was due to the somewhat overzealous bandaging she'd received or to the actual nature of the wounds, she wasn't quite sure. Whatever the case, she was back safe and warm in her home with her friends.

And with Rainbow Dash.

She stared at her oldest friend for a long while as she tried to figure out what to say, until Rainbow began fidgeting under her scrutiny. "Hey, Flutters, I know I'm awesome and all, but you're starting to embarrass me a little..."

She blushed furiously and immediately averted her eyes. "S-Sorry, Rainbow..." she said softly.

"Hey, it's alright," Rainbow replied. The silence lengthened between them, the crackling of the fire and the occasional snore from Pinkie Pie the only sounds in the room. Finally, Rainbow looked up at her, a touch of uncertainty in her normally fearless eyes. "So..." she began slowly. "Uh... What happens next?"

Fluttershy bit her lip. "I... don't know, really. I've never had a marefriend before..."

Rainbow shrugged. "Me neither," she replied. "I guess we're gonna find out together."

"I guess..." Fluttershy replied before falling silent once more. Suddenly, she blurted out, "I love you, Rainbow Dash."

Taken by surprise, Rainbow stared at Fluttershy for a moment before smiling widely. "I love you too, Fluttershy," she replied softly, pulling Fluttershy into a hug and giving her a kiss.

A squeal of joy caused them both to jump, and they looked over to the bottom of the stairs, only to find a giddy Rarity watching them. "I knew it!" she cried happily, watching the two pegasi cuddling together on the couch. "Oh, Rainbow Dash, I told you that Fluttershy would be perfect for you. Oh, this is going to be so wonderful!" She gasped, and her face lit up. "Idea~!" she sang. "I can design matching outfits for the two of you, there are so many complimentary designs I can think of. And the wedding! Just think of what I could do for you for your wedding! Why, it would be spectacular..."

As Rarity prattled on and on about an uncertain future and the others on the floor began to stir, Fluttershy did her best to shut out her babbling while trying to enjoy Rainbow's warm embrace. Somehow, things had worked out for them this night. She was in love with Rainbow Dash, and Rainbow Dash was in love with her.

This night was quickly shaping up to be one of the best nights of her life.

I'm making more chapters but I its hard to make to for it I just want to thank you all for reading thanx

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