And We Run Through The Rain-Spring

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Fluttershy glanced apprehensively up at the gathering clouds as she approached Twilight's castle, on her way to a long-overdue slumber party. She had an immense amount of respect for those pegasi brave enough to push around those dark masses of rain, let alone the heavy thunderheads they had pulled out for tonight's spring storm. She shivered as a brief thrum of fear ran through her while she watched the minuscule forms of the pegasi surrounding the clouds, knowing that she certainly couldn't handle that job. With all of the flying, the dangerous clouds, the flying, the heights, being close to a certain pegasus, and well... the flying, her poor fragile nerves would shatter after the first day.

Well, she might be able to handle the flying. Maybe. If that certain pegasus was there to help her...

She shook her head, catching herself searching the flying forms for one specific form. A light blush crossed her face as she started up her journey to Twilight's once again. Stop that. You can't think like that again. Remember, you promised yourself you wouldn't ruin your friendship with your silly feelings.

Ever since they had been foals together, Fluttershy had always felt a certain attraction to Rainbow Dash. The brash and beautiful pegasus was everything she wasn't, and would never be: confident, outspoken, an amazing flier, and an all-around wonderful, loyal friend. For the longest time it had felt like her affection was a friendly one, a sisterly one.

It hadn't been until Rainbow had moved to Ponyville that she'd realized that something about that affection had changed. Odd feelings would crop up whenever the two of them were together, and Fluttershy began to notice certain other aspects of her friend. Oftentimes she would find herself studying Rainbow's shapely legs or her well-toned flank, or even losing herself in Rainbow's hypnotic eyes. An unusual heat would build within her chest whenever the two of them were close together, and she would be hard-pressed to focus on anything else.

Not that any of this seemed to bother Rainbow the slightest. If she took notice of Fluttershy's odd behaviors, she certainly didn't let on. She probably just brushed off all of her nervous blushing or her embarrassed twitching as normal, nervous Fluttershy. It wasn't like she had to look at that gorgeous, flowing, rainbow-colored mane all the time, or admire those strong, powerful wings -

Stop it. You need to keep your word and stop doing this to yourself. What would anypony say? They might laugh at me, chase me out of town, or hate me for messing everything up. I'm sure that's what would happen. It just wouldn't be good. I'm sure of it.

Applejack's wedding last fall had been the hardest. Everypony had been so happy, so full of love and life, and it had started to affect her quite keenly. Rainbow had been talking with Rarity, standing there in that lovely bridesmaid gown Rarity had designed, so happy and smiling. Like a moment out of a storybook, the sunlight had hit her just right, enveloping her in a golden glow that had taken Fluttershy's breath away. If it hadn't been for her deep-seated fears of losing her beloved friends, embarrassing herself, and well, just about everything to do with relationships, she just might have blurted out something inappropriate then and there.

Lost in her own thoughts, she failed to notice that she had already arrived at Twilight's castle and was standing silently at the front door, as if willing it to open on its own. Letting out an embarrassed squeak, she quickly glanced around, praying that nopony else had noticed her staring off into space. Satisfied that nopony was nearby, she reached up to knock on the great doors of the castle before a familiar voice caused her to freeze in shock.

"Why, hello there, Fluttershy, darling," Rarity called excitedly as she trotted up to the castle with a smile. "Fashionably late as I am, I see." Mistaking Fluttershy's sudden blush as being due to her tardiness, she hastened to reassure her. "Don't worry about a thing, dear, I know Twilight doesn't care that much. As long as we're all together and having fun, she's happy."

"O-Oh, I'm not worried about that..." Fluttershy replied, trailing off inaudibly while averting her eyes from her good friend. She shuffled her hooves as Rarity gave her an oddly penetrating look, one that set her on edge for some reason.

"I'm sorry, darling, what was that?" Rarity asked as she sidled up next to Fluttershy, reaching up to knock on the castle doors. The unicorn seemed unable to contain her excitement at the prospect of a slumber party, as she kept shifting from side to side and glancing over at Fluttershy expectantly.

"Oh, nothing..." Fluttershy replied quietly, which seemed to do nothing for Rarity's expectations as Fluttershy could see her face fall. Anxiety began building within her and she hastened to reassure her friend. "It's ok, Rarity, I-I was just... thinking... umm... about... umm... when Rainbow Dash was going to show up..." she trailed off once more, feeling a sense of relief as Rarity's eyes lit up once more and a bright smile crossed her face.

"Oh?" Rarity asked with a tiny grin. "Is that so?"

"Umm..." Fluttershy was spared having to elaborate by the opening of the castle doors, revealing Spike in his familiar apron, a big grin on his face.

"Hey there, Fluttershy, Rarity," he greeted them, his voice changing with obvious affection as he turned to Rarity. He stepped back from the entryway, ushering them in with a gallant bow. The two of them entered with a friendly smile for the little dragon, Fluttershy's smile perhaps a little more grateful than Rarity's.

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