Pinkie Promise?

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"Umm... W-When did you get here?"

Pinkie grinned brightly at Fluttershy. "Oh, I've been here for a while now, waiting to give you this invitation to Rainbow's party tonight!" She reached into her mane and pulled out a rainbow-decorated envelope, passing it over to the two cuddling pegasi. "I would have given it to you earlier, but once you started in on the third time, I figured it would have to wait a little longer. By the way, Fluttershy, I knew you had a great set of pipes on you, but I didn't think you could ever get that loud!"

Rainbow happened to be looking at Fluttershy as Pinkie spoke, and thus was able to see when the color of her cheeks passed bright red and went almost to the point of setting her face on fire. As soon as Pinkie reached her last word, Fluttershy's pupils nearly vanished from her eyes and she immediately dove under the covers with a soft squeak, leaving only a small tuft of her tail visible. Rainbow, her own face slightly pink, giggled at her wife's reaction and poked at the tuft with her hoof. "You forgot something," she said with a snicker, and the tuft immediately disappeared into Fluttershy's blanket sanctuary.

Turning back to Pinkie Pie, who was still grinning obliviously, Rainbow gave her a mock glare. "Pinkie, didn't anypony ever teach you to knock?"

Pinkie cocked her head slightly. "But I did knock, silly. Fluttershy yelled 'Yes' a few times, so I let myself in." Before Rainbow could even respond to that, Pinkie was pushing herself away from the window and floating off into the afternoon sunlight. "Anyway, I gotta go finish getting ready for the party. See you there!"

Rainbow watched her go, a half-smile on her blushing face. When Pinkie was finally out of sight, she turned to the huddling mass of blankets next to her, gently lifting the edge up to peer into the darkness. "Hey, Flutters, you can come out now. She's gone."

A soft voice issued from the blanket sanctuary. "I'm never coming out! I can't believe she heard me..."

Rainbow let out a snort of laughter. "Well, you were kinda loud. I suppose that's yet another way I'm so awesome, right?"

The blankets shifted slightly, and Fluttershy's bright red face came into view, glaring at Rainbow. "Easy for you to say," she pouted. "You weren't the one screaming..." A half smile stole over her face at the memory, and she let out a satisfied sigh.

Rainbow grinned at her. "C'mon, Flutters, it'll be fine. Besides, we got a party to go to." She flipped the blankets off Fluttershy, causing her to let out a surprised squeak. "And as the guest of honor, I need you there by my side."

Fluttershy glared at her once more, but Rainbow's infectious grin slowly brought a smile out on her face. "Fine..." she muttered. "But what if Pinkie says anything? I don't know if I could live that down..."

Rainbow leaned over and gave her a kiss. "Don't worry about it. Pinkie'll be too wrapped up in the party to say anything about it, trust me."

"If you say so..." Fluttershy replied, biting her lip as she slowly made her way out from under the blankets. "What's the party for, anyway? She said it was yours..."

Rainbow opened the envelope, which promptly let out a squee and a blast of confetti. Sputtering and shaking the confetti from her face, Rainbow pulled out the invitation, which turned out to be inviting them to 'Rainbow Dash's Reconciliation and Promotion Party.' Fluttershy's eyes widened as she read the invitation, and she looked up at Rainbow. "Promotion?" she asked hesitantly.

Rainbow brightened. "Yeah!" she said. "Forgot to tell you earlier. The whole deal in that article about me spending so much time with Spitfire? Well, turns out she's planning on making me the next Captain of the Wonderbolts! She's been showing me the ropes, and that's why I've been spending my free time hanging with her."

Fluttershy let out a squeal of happiness, squeezing her tightly and giving her a passionate kiss. "That's wonderful, Rainbow!" A moment later her mood darkened, and she laid her head down on Rainbow's chest as a realization hit her. "I-I suppose that means you won't be able to come home much anymore..."

Rainbow looked uncertain for a moment, before her expression changed to one of determination. "I'll make it work, Fluttershy," she said, lifting Fluttershy's head up to look at her. "Pinkie Promise, ok?"

Fluttershy's eyes widened, and she smiled, reassured by Rainbow's promise. She giggled softly. "You're in trouble now," she said softly. "You know what happens when you break a Pinkie Promise."

Rainbow gave her a cocky grin. "Hey, I'll be in charge now. I can set whatever schedules I want." She shrugged nonchalantly, her grin still present. "And if those schedules happen to include a few passes over Ponyville, or a few extra days between shows, then..." She left the sentence hanging as the two of them snuggled together happily, a comfortable silence developing between them.

A minute later, Fluttershy looked up at Rainbow, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "You know, Rainbow, a promotion like this deserves a little celebration, don't you think?"

Rainbow glanced down at her, confused. "Yeah, I know. Isn't that why Pinkie's throwing a party?"

Fluttershy smiled before kissing her deeply. When they finally broke apart, her voice was husky as she spoke. "That's not the only celebration I was thinking of..." She kissed her again, hooves making their way across Rainbow's body as her wings rose into the air. "I was thinking we should clean up for the party, and the shower's big enough for the two of us. Let's see how loud you can get, shall we?"

Rainbow just grinned.

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