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"Fluttershy, please open this door," Rainbow pleaded. When Fluttershy didn't respond fast enough, Rainbow's tone became anxious and determined. "Fluttershy, please, please open the door," she repeated. "I really don't want to break it down, but if that's what it takes to make you see..."

Fluttershy quickly opened the door, stepping back as she looked out at Rainbow. Her wife looked as miserable as she felt, her eyes red-rimmed from fighting back tears. Her head was hung low, and she was holding the butterfly clip outstretched in her hoof. "You forgot something downstairs," she said softly as she averted her gaze. "It belongs to you. Nopony else is gonna get it, I promise."

Fluttershy slowly reached out with a shaking hoof to take her clip, the first gift that Rainbow Dash had ever given her as a couple, a gift that she treasured beyond all other. The moment she took the clip from Rainbow's outstretched hoof, Rainbow looked up with a tiny smile on her face before pouncing on Fluttershy and drawing her into a great hug. Fluttershy let out a squeak at the sudden sign of affection, dropping the clip. Rainbow quickly scooped it up, sliding it back into Fluttershy's mane with a smile, hugging her close again. "I'm not leaving, Fluttershy. Never. Whatever I did to make you think so, I'm sorry, ok?"

It took a long moment, but Fluttershy eventually relaxed into Rainbow's embrace, wrapping her forelegs around her. The two of them sat there, holding each other with a sense that if either of them let go at this point, the other would be lost. Finally, in a burst of courage that surprised even her, Fluttershy reached up and grabbed Rainbow's face, pulling her down into a deep kiss.

Suddenly, the tears were falling again, but no longer were they the hot sting of heartbreak and disappointment. Fluttershy felt the warmth building within her as she kissed her beloved, soothing tears of joy and love trickling down her cheeks and dripping on the floor, where they mingled with the same tears flowing from Rainbow's eyes. Her head was swimming with emotion, thoughts bouncing every which way in her mind as she slowly began to comprehend just what was going on between them.

Rainbow wasn't going to leave her. They were still together.

In that moment, it felt like the world suddenly shifted under her. The kisses, the touching, the embrace, it wasn't enough. She needed more. It had been months since she and Rainbow had been together, and she felt the need building within her. Breaking off the kiss, she looked deep into Rainbow's eyes, seeing her desire mirrored in those magenta pools. "Come on, you," she ordered, with a throaty growl so uncharacteristic of her that Rainbow's eyes widened in shock for a moment before Fluttershy grabbed her, hauling her directly to their bed.

Throwing Rainbow down on her back on the tousled sheets, she stared down at her for a moment with such a predatory smile that Rainbow looked apprehensive. "Umm... I said I was sorry, Flutters," she said, unused to such aggressiveness in her normally demure wife. "Really, I am. No need to -" Whatever Rainbow was going to say next was driven from her mind as Fluttershy kissed her once more, gracefully sliding up onto her body. When they finally broke apart once more, Rainbow was panting slightly as she looked up at Fluttershy. "I love you, you know that?" she said softly as the two of them embraced tightly on the bed, wings flared wide and brushing their feathers against each other.

Fluttershy smiled brightly, and as the summer sunlight illuminated her face Rainbow knew that they were going to be just fine. "I love you too, Rainbow Dash," Fluttershy replied softly. After that, other sounds began issuing from the bedroom, sounds that caused a certain white unicorn that had just arrived with a grocery delivery to blush profusely and quickly make her way back out of the cottage with all the grace and speed she could muster.

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