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They were all unconscious, and no matter what I tried they wouldn't wake up. I felt their pulses and felt them breathing, so I know they weren't dead.


I turned to see my mom, not my real mom, but my adoptive mom, standing at the doorway. There was no way she could have been here. There was know reasoning as to why she would be here that would even make sense as it is.

It pained my heart to say, but I knew it was true.

"You did this."

She didn't deny it.

She just walked closer to me and stroked my cheek with her hand.

"We're finally together again."

I pulled away from her touch as an angry look grew on her face when I did.

She stuck her arm out and struck me.

My face stung as I pressed my hand lightly against it as it throbbed from the blow.

"There there Mason, if you listen and respect me there will be no need to discipline you again."

"Why are you doing this?" I sneered as I nearly spat at her.

She laughed to herself as she began to pace around me in a small circle.

"Well you see it all startes when I first got you. My brother and I did lots of research on your real family and them Rioggos. We knew the Rioggos loved you and would eventually try to get you back. To us that just meant money. We would give you to them, for a price. But when we never received any attempts of contact from the Rioggos, we gave up. That is until we heard about your brother Mark becoming an idol. That's when our plan really got sent into action. We would call them about you with a ransom amount in mind. But then we got the idea to send tou to Mark first before we ever asked for ransom after holding you captive. That way you got back into things with your family so then when you were snatched away again it would hurt them more. Leading to more money to be recieved as ransom in order to ensure your safe return. Then when things were working out, I shot my brother in order to take his share, more money for me. But then the damn Rioggos and their Korean American Mafia had to get involved and ended up snatching you before I could. And now here we are."

I just stood there like a statue as I gave her an icy glare. "You never even loved me. You just grew me like a prized cow to be sold off. You stole my chance at being normal, you stole my life, my real family. You took all that away from me."

She just smiled at me. A face I never would have Imagined as so conniving.
"Yes. I won't deny it. But I will say that you're going to have the opportunity to stay with your family forever now."

All of a sudden two big men grabbed me from behind and forced me into a chair, just like the rest of my family, and tied me to it.

"You monster!" I screamed as I tried to free myself. But it was no use, I was tied in.

"You see Mason, I have a new plan in light of the new circumstances infront of me. I talked with the workers here and they are going to help me kill you, your family, and the Rioggos. There is more value in this house than I could ever get for ransom for you, enough to even share."

The cooks and maids and butlers I recognized from earlier walked into the room with guns in hand.

"I'll kill this one first." She said as she walked towards me, gun in hand pointed at my forehead. "At the count of three."

I refused to close my eyes. I just stared at the woman, the monster who stole my life. All these years I believed that she had created it for me and helped it flourish, but in fact she did the exact opposite.


I love you Mom, and dad. Thank you for everything you've done for me. Thank you Joey for being my brother, and loving me and caring for me. None of this was your fault.
Thank you Rioggos for helping me. I am eternally grateful.


Thank you Mark for everything you have done for me too. You are the best brother and friend I could have ever wished for. You mean everything to me. You were my first step to completing my life puzzle. I love you.


The gun went off.

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