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"What do you mean 'your fault'? Why do you even think that?"

"I was the one that took you to the park. I didn't know how else to get you to stop crying. Earlier that day I was teasing you and ripped your blankie in half. I remember though that even though I ripped it, you wouldn't let go of the one half and...I took you without telling mom or Mark... luckily mom and dad sent Mark to look for us...he got there just in time. While I was on the swing I wasn't watching you, and a man and woman pulled up in a white van without any liscence plates and grabbed you while you where jumping over cracks in the sidewalk. Mark came just as they were shoving you in their van. I tried to run to you, but the man pushed me to the ground knocking the wind out of me. The only thing I saw that could make me recognize him was a big tattoo of a dragon on his arm. I never even saw his face.

The van pulled away as Mark ran up to me making sure I was okay. He took our neighbor's bike from their front yard and chased you for 3 miles.

The only thing that stopped him was when the van slammed on the brakes right in front of him causing him to crash into it. His bike was wrecked but not even a dent was made on the van.

The police found mark walking later and brought him home. That night was horrible. Police all over and our family had been ripped apart."

Tears were streaming down his face.

"Its okay." I said as I rested my head on his shoulder and hugged him. "I'm here now. That's all that matters."

"Yeah, I still feel horrible about when it happened though. And why didn't Mark tell us who you were and that you were coming?"

"I don't know."

"Its because I didn't know how mom and dad would react."

Joey and I turned to look at the door and saw Mark standing there against the door frame.

"I figured if I told them they'd refused to believe it, but if they got to know her it would be easier for them to realize it actually was her. That SunSun actually came home."

The three of us jumped as we heard a large crash from the hallway. The three of us rushed out of the room to see what it was.

A woman was standing there and with two bags of groceries smashed on the ground intro of her. Tears were spilling down her cheeks.

"Mark..., did you say that...my baby...SunSun...she's come home?"

There was a long stretch of silence until Mark responded.

"Yes mom...I did."

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