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Owen was standing out front, waving to little kids who passed by, hoping that her mere presence would force their parents to empty their pockets for a nice cold treat. Meanwhile, Steve and Robin were inside, serving the aforementioned cold treats.

The excitement about having a new job and working together had quickly worn off after the first week, leaving the three teenagers in need of something to make their shifts go by faster. For Owen, her newest source of entertainment had become the various sizzling sounds she could hear coming from the Hot Dog on a Stick.

She had found that some of the recipes were much louder when they hit the burning hot oil. Like the funnel cake sticks! They were actually the loudest-

She was desperate. It had been a long week.

So, when Owen saw Dustin Henderson wandering amongst the crowd, she worried that he was a Food Court mirage, of sorts. Perhaps her brain had just made him up to maintain her sanity.

Mirage or not, she was happy to see him and waved excitedly once he was close enough to spot her. "Dustin! How was camp?" she beamed, having heard Steve mention the boy's adventure to Camp Know Where.

However, she began to worry that Steve may have given her bad information when Dustin froze in front of her, staring at her like she had a third eye. The two stood awkwardly in front of one another for a moment, not sure what to say. But then Owen remembered the fact that she was in a full pirate costume, head and all.

Dustin wasn't looking at her like she had a third eye! He was looking at her like she had only one eye... that wasn't covered by an eye patch.

She chuckled sheepishly as she hurriedly removed the headgear, seeing the smile return to Dustin's face once he recognized her. "Sorry about that. It's me. I just keep forgetting I have the head on."

"Owen! I didn't know you were working here, too." He looked her up and down in order to examine the full outfit. "What's with the costume?"

She tucked the mascot head against her hip. "I believe the word you meant to use was 'uniform'," she corrected, jokingly.

But Dustin's eyes merely narrowed, absent of any laughter as he tried to decipher if she was serious or not.

"I'm kidding," Owen assured him, casting a glance down towards her feet. "They basically hired me to parade around and lure kids in to buy ice cream. Cheap marketing tactics." She shrugged lightly, not wanting to waste another second explaining the existence of Captain Banana Split Beard.

Dustin's lips curled in a soft, lopsided grin. "Well, as far as I can tell, you're doing a great job. You've convinced me to visit this fine establishment," he said, speaking even louder than usual.

Owen's eyebrows momentarily twitched downward in confusion, before his good intentions struck her. "Oh, if you're trying to earn me brownie points with my manager, he's not even here. He's never here," she sighed. "But Steve's here, last I checked." Somehow, Dustin's face lit up even more than before at the mention of his friend's name.

So, she had correctly assumed the reasoning behind his visit to the mall. Not that it was too difficult to guess. "Head on in. He'll be happy to see you," she chuckled, sliding the head back on and waving him past.

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