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A very pretty girl with blonde hair that was full of volume and flawless skin ran across the street and jumped into Kai's unsuspecting arms. He caught her before she could fall, but he looked really confused?

Confused myself, I watched as she kissed his cheek and got back down to her feet, but staying in his arms.

"Eunbi?" He asked, eyebrow cocked.

"How have you been Hyuka?" She asked with a strong Australian accent.


l almost wanted to gag.

"Um, g-g-good?" He answered, but it sounded more like a question.

I took a moment to look her over. Not only was her hair a skin perfect, but she also had the perfect body with perfect curves in all the right places. Her light hazel eyes were lined with eyeliner and her lashes were long and full with mascara. Her lips were full and bright red.
Along with her makeup, she was wearing a simple black tank top with jean shorts.

"Oh, Hyuka," She said jumping slightly in her tall heels. "I've missed you so much!"

What she did next completely surprised me and actually made my blood start to boil. She planted one big fat kiss on his lips. Now, he didn't kiss her back, but at the same time, she didn't give him time too.

I forced a cough and that's when Kai remembered that I was, in fact, still existed.

He also coughed and pulled away from this girl, Eunbi.

"Um, Eunbi t-th-this is Sooah," He said gesturing to me. "Soo, t-this i-is Eunbi."

I didn't offer my hand, so she did.

"Its so nice to meet one of Hyuka's friends," She said enthusiastically.

Can she seriously stop with the 'Hyuka' crap?
A/N: sorry

"G-g-girlfriend," Kai stuttered just as I took his hand in mine.

I could tell he was nervous. Not only is he biting his lip and he overall looks uncomfortable, but his stutter was quite bad.

"Huh?" Eunbi asked looking at him and letting go of my hand.

"Sh-she's my g-girlfriend," He said.

At least I'm not the one who had to tell her.

"Sooah, th-this is m-my ex-girlfriend, He explained to me.

I felt my jaw slightly drop and I took a step away from her and towards Kai.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you," She chirped, but I could see something pass behind her eyes.

It was gone before I could tell what it was.

"Same goes to you," I said between gritted teeth.

I think Kai could tell that I wasn't happy about what was happening at this moment.

"Hyuka!" Eunbi exclaimed, suddenly. "What happened to your car?"

She went past us and walked around his sticky note covered car.

"There's a p-p-prank w-war g-going on," He explained, taking another step towards me.

I know he was being careful about coming near me, not knowing exactly what I might do to him or her. I wasn't planning on anything though.

"A prank war?" She asked. "How childish."

I scoffed and crossed my arms over my chest. She glanced over at me and narrowed her eyes ever so slightly.

"Did you do this?" She asked.

Her voice was monotone, trying not to let her emotions show.

"Yes," I said slowly. "I did, have a problem with that?"

"Actually," She said narrowing her eyes a little more. "I do. This is completely messed up. There is no rea-"

"Eunbi," Kai interrupted.

She immediately stopped talking and looked at Kai with wide eyes.

"Kai-ah," I said quickly. "I'm going home. Text me later."

Before he could say anything, I turned around and got into my car. I drove off, tired squealing in protest as I turned the car around quickly.

"I am not jealous," I muttered to myself. "I am not jealous. I am not jealous."

Not wanting to go home, I left the neighborhood and drove down the street.

"I am not jealous."

Stutter ||Huening Kai✔️Where stories live. Discover now