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"What do you mean that you got a surprise for me?" I asked

Kai only giggled and led me to the front of the school and took me outside.

"Kai," I said. "Why are we outside? I haven't seen any of my family.

"Just wait a m-moment," Kai grinned at me.

"I don't underst-"

Kai covered my mouth with his hand and put a finger to his lips, telling me to be quiet. I sighed behind his hand and rolled my eyes at him.

"Ok," He said, taking a step back, keeping my hands in his. "I don't want to make this moment sad by talking about this, but I know you were d-d-disappointed that your brother couldn't be here."

The smile that had been on my lips instantly fell.

"Like very disappointed, but," He continued. "You have your family here and I-I'm here.'

"Yes, and for that I'm grateful," I said.

Kai smiled at me and continued.

"Even though you had all of that," He said. "I felt like that you needed more."

"More?" I questioned.

He nodded.

"Yes, more. So, I made a few calls with some people who owed me favors."

"That makes you sound mysterious," I said with a laugh.

He rolled his eyes and continued.

"Like I was saying," He said. "I pulled a few strings and got you the best graduation present ever."

"The best graduation present ever?" I questioned.

"Oh totally," He said. "I completely earn Boyfriend of The Year for this


I felt a tap on my shoulder and stopped talking.
Turning around, I saw the one face that I wasn't expecting.

"YEONJUN!" I screamed.

I jumped into his arms and he held me tight. I felt safe in his arms.

"Oh how I missed your hugs," He said in my ear.

"Same here brother."

With one final squeeze, I released him and smiled at my older brother. I turned to Kai and grinned at him.

"I don't know how you got this to happen, but thank you," I gave him a hug. " So very much. This means so much to me."

I gave him a kiss on the cheek and look around for my parents.

"I need family pictures!" Eomma exclaimed coming out of a group of people.

I laughed and watched as Yeonjun took Soojin.

"Did you two know about Yeonjun coming?" I asked eomma and appa.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Appa said, hiding a smile.

"You little liar," I said shoving Appa's shoulder.

He grinned and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. Yeonjun stood next to me with Soojin and eomma was next to Yeonjun.

"Kai, dear," eomma called to him. "Will you take our picture?"

He nodded and took my eommas camera from her. Snapping the shot, Yeonjun pushed me over to Kai and took the camera from him. Still holding Soojin, he carefully maneuvered and took a picture of Kai and me.

"Are you glad to be done with school?" I was asked once pictures were done.

"You have no idea," I said, sighing with relief.

"Let's go out to dinner tonight," appa said. "We're paying."

I headed towards my car with Yeonjun following. I knew he was going to be with me while he could especially since he's been with eomma and appa all day and he knew I would be upset if he didn't.

"Come on Kai," eomma said to him. "You're part of this family now."

Kai smiled slowly, looking really happy at what my eomma said.

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