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"You're doing what?!" Eomma yelled at me.

"You heard me," I said. "I've made my mind up."

I could see the tears in her eyes and it made me feel bad knowing that I was causing it. It was only two days after we found out about Yeonjun's death and eomma was still an emotional wreck. I was too if I thought about it too much.

"I'm doing this for Yeonjun," I said, lowering my voice.

"Why would he want you to do this?" Appa asked me.

Kai stayed quiet on the couch but I could see this was hurting him as well. He kept his gaze on his hands in his lap, seemingly ignoring everything that we were saying.

"I can't explain it but it's just something that I need to do," I said.

"I've already lost one child," eomma said. "I don't want to lose a second."

I shook my head.

"I'm sorry but you can't stop me," I said.

Eomma got up and left the room. Appa just gave me a hard and disappointing look before following her with Soojin in his arms.

"I don't want you to go?" Kai said quietly.

He was so quiet that I almost didn't hear him.

I sighed and sat next to him.

"I'm sorry, babe," I whispered.

I felt the tears burn my eyes and I wrapped my arms around him.

"It starts with boot camp so I'll only be gone for three and a half months," I said

"Yeah," He said, looking up at me with red glossy eyes. "But after that, you'll be gone for a year at a time, sometimes longer."

"I know," I said, running my hand through his hair. "I'm sorry."

I got up and headed up to my room. I had signed up yesterday and would be leaving in a month. I had to make sure I had everything that I would need.


A month later and I was standing at the airport gate heading to my destination.

Eomma was crying, appa was trying to act tough, Soojin didn't know what was happening, and Kai looked like a mess.

"Just remember that it's only boot camp," I told them all. "I'll be back in a few months.

"Doesn't make it any better," appa told me.

"I know," I said. "I'm sorry. I just need to do this."

I hugged my eomma, appa, and gave kisses to Soojin. She whined a bit when I stepped away from her but was fine a moment later. I stopped in front of Kai and received a sad face from him.

"Just know that I love you," I whispered to him.

"I love you, too," He whispered back.

He pressed his lips against mine but pulled back, remembering my parents were right there. I took the dog tags I got in the mail from the boot came and put it over Kai's neck.

"Just so you have something of mine," I told him.
"They'll give me another one."

"I'll see you in a few months," He said when my plane was called for.

With a last look to everyone, I turned around and headed towards my plane. I handed the flight attendant my ticket and boarded the plane. I found my seat and sat down against the window. I stared out it, trying to ignore everything around me, trying not to cry.

A/N: Author here! Hello guys, the last couple of chapters I just updated I short and quick so I'm very sorry about that. I just want to get it done quick. One more chapter and that's it everyone, it will be over. But don't be sad because there's another story coming up. So stay tuned~ love you all and thanks for reading and voting this story. Bye~😘

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