I cant understand myself.

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Daniels pov:

I had been wondering around for days through the streets and woods trying to find where the maroon cored male had been and I remembered it was a camp he worked at called camp campbell but it felt like I was no where near where it could be but I had continued searching as I was desperate to find him, to finish his life as he had tried to finish mine. I could have died in that hospital from all that nasty medicine they made me take, tho I had one bottle of pills they gave me I was taking cause I needed some kind of medication or I felt funny, and that was just probably cause I was used to it but without them I would have probably killed myself or whatever. I felt as if I could be getting close to that hell of a camp but It also felt so far tho only a few parts of the woods felt familiar to me but that won't determine where I am completely, cause most forests look the same so I'm probably just so desperate to find it I'm imagining things maybe.
A few hours had passed as I was sure I had just been going in circles by now, I was lost I think which wouldn't help me in my search to find that man who seemed to never have an upset attitude which was surprising knowing anything about him but some people might just be overly joyed at everything like he was but that's not always the case in the world so maybe he was hiding something.? Not that I care tho it sounds interesting, I have been having thoughts about him lately but they weren't all deadly thoughts about him, some were about being with him... Like a part of me didn't wanna kill him but wanted to at the same time, it was so confusing I just wish I could figure it out easily but it seems that's not possible to figure out right now without having any contact with him. I had continued walking a bit more and actually found myself at the sign saying Campbell. I already had a plan to get rid of that happy counselor but I would have to gain trust back from him and I was sure he would give me a second chance knowing him but I would have to see, it was dark out so he would be going back into the cabin soon maybe? I had decided to go into the part of the woods where it was part of the camp and I decided to lay down near one of the trees to rest for a bit so I had sat down and slept with my knees up to my chest and I wrapped my arms around my legs, I had sat like that for a while waiting to fall asleep and it felt hard but I could manage, I just closed my eyes and thought about how fun murdering the other male would be as I would stab him continuously till I knew he would be dead and it would be so much fun when I got the chance but I also didn't want to tho I tried not to think about that and I eventually fell asleep.

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