21. the 23rd tournement

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-after the movie-

Gokina: that was a pretty good movie

Tamaki: i'll say, we should do a puss in boots theme host event

Chi cha: thats sounds like fun

Gokina: yeah you should watch other movies you maybe inspires to do other themes as well.... well anyways im hungry lets go eat

Everyone: yeah

so thats how we became friends with the host club luckily that the school club from the other didnt show up at all since no debt no reason

well we hang out from time to time of course we all graduated from high school

Gokina: im free !!!!!

Bulma: dramatic much...?

Gokina: well yes, do you know how bored i was in school? the only reason i stay was because of chi cha and my friends

Bulma: ok lady killer

Gokina: *sigh* you'll never let that go will you?

Bulma: nope....

Gokina: well anyways time to train i can get back to my training regimen since there no school to stop me

Bulma: but....

Gokina: but nothing we have a good amount of zenny piled from the treasure we sold we can easily buy a house , some land and still have money left over to live off of

Bulma: fair point

Gokina: besides i have a month to train


knock knock

Bulma hey sis, chi cha... you ready?

Gokina: yeah we're ready

Chi cha: lets go

-tournement booth-

Gine: where is your brother gokina?

Gokina: he'll be here i just know it

Bulma: he better be or he cant enter

it was raining we are under umbrella's and then we saw a girl got her ballon stuck in a tree she started to cry, I try to comfort her

Gokina: now now i get your ballon

i was going fly up to get but someone got it before i could and it was goku

Goku: here you go dont lose again ok?

Girl: ok thank you mister

and then she ran off

Gokina: hey bro, long time no see...

Bulma: what goku?

Goku: yeah its me i guess you dont reconize me since my signature hair style is being covered

and then he took off turban to show his hair

Everyone: GOKU!

and then everyone went to hug him

Gine: you look just like your father

Goku: oh thanks mom

Gokina: ok ok you should go enter before its too late

Goku: oh right


and then everyone showed up at the last minute like they did in the anime

Gokina: you guys took your time...

Krillin: sorry the traffic was terrible

Gokina: hahaha very funny now go register

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