29. taking a trip in our rocket ship

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after carrying the kami's ship to the capsule corp, appearently the ship was too old to capsule now or something  we left the ship her work shop  and walked into the corp

-capsule corp-

Gokina: hey sis!

Bulma: hey sis where you put the ship?                

Gokina: its in your shop is there anything else you need ?

Bulma: you should go and get your and goku's old space ship so that me or  dad can make a new ship for you and goku and vegetina

Gokina: you dont want me to tag along?

Bulma: yeah i thought me, krillin and gohan are going to enough for now i want you to follow us after goku gets better

Gokina: ok i bring the pod tommorrow [whats left of it] when yo add the gravity machine can you make it go up to 300 or something?

Bulma: we'll see what we can do no promises

Gokina: ok also can you vegetina and lala crash here for a while 

Bulma: sure i have a room for them by tommorrow

Vegentina: thanks i know lala is gonna  love it here

Gokina: thanks bulma your the best

Bulma: no problem lady killer

Gokina:*blush* will you let that go?

Bulma: nope

Vegetina: lady killer?

Gokina: i'll tell later, now lets go

Vegetina: fly on

and then we flew over to my home, i told her about my nickname and bulma's sister and befor we knew it we are at home watching lucky star

Vegetina: i cant beleive it that bulma's sister is a author of gl and other stories

Gokina: at least you dont have a character based off of you *points to the spiked haired girl*

Vegetina: i wonder if the cheerleading scene will be any different, will it lady killer?

Gokina: please dont start with that, its not my fault people  think im cute

Vegetina: hehe, fair enough well....

knock knock

i went to answer the door to find gine

Gokina: mom! watch you doing here?

Gine: i heard from bulma that princess vegetina is here...

Gokina: yeah come on in she's in the living room.

and i let her in and show into the living room

Gokina: hey tina you got a visitor

and then gine ran pass me and kneel down before her

Gine: princess vegetina im so glad your alive

Vegetina: oh gine... its good to see your alive  i thought you perished in the destruction of planet vegeta

Gokina:[nice keeping to the anime] funny i thought you hated royalty?

Gine: well vegetina was different she was more liked than her brothers and father

Gokina: [oh the other brother is canon in this univerese]

Vegetina: well i didnt really agree with what their doing even killing off broly

Gokina: [oh crap broly canon]

Vegetina: please its just  vegetina or tina since planet vegeta is gone

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