Red pants. (Thank you to whoever created them)

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So this morning I got my period. It's a good thing I woke up early because I had to change my sheets (cause there's period blood on them). Today I had school and. I took a shower, dried myself off, and lotioned my skin. Now comes the hard part. picking an outfit.

My outfit was a navy blue T-shirt and a pair of RED PANTS! THATS FREAKING GENIUS. I MEAN LIKE REALLY, WHOEVER THOUGHT OF RED PANTS MUST HAVE BEEN A GIRL. WHO ELSE WOULD HAVE TAKEN INTO CONSIDERATION THAT GIRLS ON THEIR PERIOD WOULD NEED THIS. Because every girl has that moment we're your period blood almost kinda leaks from the side of your pad because it's full. (It sounds like I'm talking about diapers).

But ya, if it does leak no one will notice because it's FREAKING RED PANTS! So if you're reading this and you created red pants, THANK YOU! YOUR LIKE THE PERIOD FAIRY. If you're reading this and you created white're obviously a guy.


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