5H & 5sos

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Tbh this is gonna be like a question/rant To the people who are in Fifth Harmony's fandom and 5 seconds of summer fandom. WHY DO YA'LL HATE EACHOTHER. LIKE I DONT GET IT. I like 5sos because they're cute and they're music is fun to listen to. I like 5H because the are hot af and they make a lot of party music. But I don't get why the two fandom hate each other. Now I'm not saying all of them hate each other but what I'm trying to say is that. Some 5sos fans slut shame 5th harmony and I think it's disgusting but then 5th harmony fans talk about how 5sos molest there fans.

First of all 5sos do not molest there fans. They may act like they're twelve but they have the respect for the fans. Especially because most of there fans are of the female gender. And if they did they would feel really guilty. I don't know why there are girls walking around saying they are "groupies" because all they're doing is looking for attention. I'm really tired of people like them.

Second who ever has slut shamed 5th harmony needs to burn in a flaming building because 5th harmony only put on limited clothing for there shows. Do you really think that they would walk out on the street on a casual day and put on what they ware at there concerts. NO!!! And plus the reason why they ware what they ware is because they are confident about there body's.

Both groups don't deserve the hate they get. And I hate when people from one of the fandoms are like "I don't know why people from there fandom are so mean. They judge us and they don't even know us." And then 10 minutes later they're just like "omg I hate everyone in that fandom. I hope they all kill themselves." And then you go to there page and look at there bio and it says "I'm against bullying so if you comment hate you can leave my page. #stopbullying" Like 👩🏾🐶 deactivate your account if you're against bullying and then you say some crap like that. It makes me so mad.

But really all I'm trying to say is stop being mean to each other. Life would be so much easier if we just settled arguments like civilized people instead of being ignorant. I'm sorry if this wasn't funny. But it had to be said.


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