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I feel like Michael, Calum, Luke, and Ashton sat at a table one day, and out of nowhere Calum was like "Hey, why don't we hit puberty 21222212113567896658495873765256266532223677,65347899938474774747,874784884484555777744365,664443578642222677751551113567997655.6655456 times, so that when all our fans are on there period we get brutally attacked when we walk outside😄". And then all the boys look at each other and then back at Calum, and in unison they all respond with "HECK YA DUDE". 😑

I love 5SOS. But when I'm on my period, I FREAKING HATE THEM!!! (in a good way of course). As a matter of fact I hate ALL boys when I'm on my period. "Thats just how life works my child. You'll understand why I do this. One day". SHUT UP MOTHER NATURE. NO ONE LIKES YOU😅😅😫😭😡😡😫😫😎😎😎😏😏😏😬😬😬😳😳😳😭😭😭😄😄😄😊😊😊😘😘😘😘😡😡😅😅. SEE, YOURE EVEN MESSING UP MY EMOJI EMOTIONS!!!!!!.


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