number 2

35 1 0

Tomorrow by together

Yeonjun: Bro the airport was so trash

Yeonjun: It doesn't rain for the whole time I was there but on the last day it had to pour so that my flight got delayed by 4 hours. N then when I finally reached MY FUCKING LUGGAGE WAS LEFT BEHIND AND I WAITED FOR 2 HOURS FOR NOTHINNGGGG.

Beomgyu: Take a chill pill yo

Yeonjun: Are you shitting me.

Beomgyu: I don't think that's possible

Yeonjun: 😒

Beomgyu: Yummy

Yeonjun: What the hell is that supposed to mean

Taehyun: Can you guys shut the hell up.

Yeonjun: He's being annoying

Beomgyu: but you love it

Yeonjun: shush

Beomgyu: So it's true?

Yeonjun: OMFG

Kai: Why is it always yeonjun and beomgyu blabbering by themselves on this gc💀

Taehyun: yeah ikr it feels like I'm just reading their conversations

Kai: Wheres soobin?

Taehyun: He went to his mom's house this weekend.

Kai: Ohhh

Yeonjun: So you guys r just gonna ignore my whole experience?

Taehyun: Man that suckssss

Kai: Yeah omg I feel so bad for you

Yeonjun: man fuck you guys

Taehyun: I was extremely serious not sarcastic

Kai: Yeah 100%

Yeonjun: I hate you guys

Taehyun: 😀

Beomgyu: you don't hate me right?

Yeonjun: I hate you the most

Beomgyu: Yeonjun

Yeonjun: what

Beomgyu: Can I tell you something

Yeonjun: Yes

Beomgyu: Opposites attract yk

Yeonjun: wdym

Beomgyu: You said you hate me but opposites attract

Yeonjun: That doesn't even make any sense you dumbass

Beomgyu: what

Yeonjun: Opposites attract is when people have different interests or personalities something like that. Not BC I said I hate u

Beomgyu: Mhm yeah I meant exactly that

Taehyun: There they go again

Kai: yeah

Taehyun: R U free to come to my place

Yeonjun: yes

Taehyun: u as in Kai

Kai: yes

Taehyun: cool see you

Yeonjun: wtf did I just get ignored

Beomgyu: yeah, u can come to my place yeonjun

Yeonjun: 😃 srsly?

Beomgyu: yeah come

Yeonjun: No I meant did u just say that I got ignored

Beomgyu: I mean u did so I had to confirm it

Yeonjun: 😔🙁

Beomgyu: Don't worry come over I'll cheer u up

Yeonjun: 🤔

Taehyun: for god's sake

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